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Jack Carter

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  1. Hi all, I need to get the battery replaced on the 370. I've looked at a few places online and prices vary a lot. So do the spec details. Does anyone know what the factory battery Ah and the cca figures are? (Can't find the info in the manual) Cheers.
  2. Sorted it. There is also a procedure outlined in the manual to reset the auto window function.
  3. Hi all, Regards my roadster. Had to disconnect the negative terminal from the battery earlier today. Followed the procedure in the manual to the letter. Then followed the instructions to reconnect the battery. All went well except now, when I open the driver door, the window drops a fraction as it should, but when I close the door, it does not go back up that little bit. Any ideas? Many thanks in advance.
  4. Checked and double checked the oil level today and it is spot on. No loss at all. What is CEL?
  5. No. The bonnet was open. To my ears, it sounds at the back of the engine bay.
  6. Would that sound louder under the car ?
  7. Hi mate, Yes, all oil levels are perfect, no engine management lights, no code, no limp mode, nothing. From what you've said, I more inclined to think it's exhaust related. Cheers Leytonanthony.
  8. If it is the gaskets, I'm staring at £800 for the job it seems... Does that sound about right ?
  9. That's the annoying thing. It sounds absolutely great to me as soon as I drive it. It's only when idling that the noise occurs... I've just filled in the contact form on Cougar Stores site asking about getting it checked. Is it a mammoth job to identify if it is the gallery gaskets ? (on a side note, anyone else suffer from missing letters when replying on here using Internet Explorer 11? It is fine in chrome ??)
  10. Must admit, I am panicking a bit. It is due for a P2 service in March. Wondering whether I should wait till then. What is the consensus... Min dealer or Indy to have the Gallery gaskets checked while in for a service. I've had no loss in power / limp mode and the oil temp reaches the same level as its always done (though I appreciate that this is not the same as oil pressure.) Thanks for the help everyone.
  11. Yep. Just read through the thread that richf linked. Anyone any experience on having this done at an Indy ? What cost etc ?
  12. If it were oil gallery gaskets, would there be a loss of oil (which I'd see on the garage floor ?)
  13. Video compiling as I type this. I think I may have sussed the issue. I think it is the exhaust. The video I'm posting shows Idling from a cold start, Idling when warm, Switching on Air Con, Gentle revving and idle - all of which sound perfect with no noise issues. The final part of the clip is after a short run in the car. The noise can then be heard clearly. While I was looking I dropped my keys on the floor. When I bent down to pick them up I could hear the noise more clearly from under the car so I got underneath and it was much louder there, which leads me to think it is the exhaust. Any thoughts ? Can't see how to embed youtube clips so, Video Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pr91JcRREJ0&feature=youtu.be Thanks everyone.
  14. Will do and will report back. Cheers.
  15. 2010. Daft question, but is it a timing chain or belt in these. Could the noise be the chain ? I'll be posting up video as soon as I get home from work. Thanks all.
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