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Everything posted by Wayne370Z

  1. It`s not a case of the police being lazy. It`s a case of what they can and cannot now deal with due to the constant cuts made by the government. The people re elected a government which year after year have made cuts to the police services so it is no use now complaining about how bad a service they get from the police.
  2. About 3-3.30 parked in Marshals Yard today. Grey 350 think reg began with J12.
  3. Seems to be speed cameras everywhere now but I expect/hope it won`t be quite as bad as around Manchester.
  4. For no particular reason other than I`m bored and been sat around in a house half full of boxes for the past few months, I thought I`d kill some time and share the saga of our house sale/purchase ; End of last May in a moment of weakness I succumbed and gave in and reluctantly agreed with the wife`s desire to put the house up for sale and look to move over to Lincolnshire. That`s where she is from and up until recently we couldn`t have moved because of my job but since retiring in 2013 I was struggling for another plausible excuse not to move. Interest was slow but in October we accepted an offer and began viewing bungalows around Lincoln fitting as many as we could into weekends over there. The first one we found and wanted we made several offers on but couldn`t go high enough to one they would accept. The second one, after wanting just a bit more than our initial offer, wanted us to produce the usual documents of ID, mortgage offer, etc. before accepting our increased offer but then after travelling miles to do that accepted someone else`s offer the next day and then refused to consider out further higher offers. So we went back to property number 1. I sold the motorbike and we increased our offer and they accepted it. Yayh! Mortgage applied for at building society, fees paid for survey etc. Couple weeks later get a call they were now accepting a higher offer. We`re now in November and spend another weekend of viewings over at Lincoln and we find another on which our offer is accepted. Next day someone else offered more. We matched that and the seller promised no more offers would be considered. Back to building society, more fees for survey etc, but things start to seem to be going well and we`re wondering will we move before/after Christmas and we start to pack up all the outside stuff, garage stuff, loft, etc..Get quotes from movers and provisionally pencil in dates. Christmas comes and goes with no mention of a move. Then we get a phone call about how our purchasers lost their purchasers before Christmas. They have a new one already, though, so no real problem just slowed things up a bit and we`re now expecting a move maybe in February. Dates re penciled in with movers. February comes with still no move in sight and we find out there is problems in finding the deeds for the one we are buying and then we get a call that our purchasers have lost their purchasers again and are now pulling out from buying ours. So ours goes back on the market and we try to make it presentable again for viewings, boxed up stuff back in the loft, new bed to replace the one that went in the skip, tidy up all the stuff dumped in the small bedroom, etc. Movers cancelled all together. This time it sells in less than 2 weeks as opposed to the 4-5 months before but we accept £2K less as we are still on for the one that we were buying so, thankfully, no more weekends spent house searching. So again things seem to be progressing. The ones buying ours have relatives doing the conveyancing and are getting on with it quickly but nitpicking over everything. New dates penciled in with movers again. We get well into March only to then find out that nothing has progressed on the one we`re buying as they still haven`t found the deeds. Dates put back again with movers and we`re worried now that they`ll be ready/wanting to move on ours with us being no where near ready on the one we`re buying. It`s just about end of March before we hear that the deeds eventually get found and things can get done with regards to finally getting to move. Mid April now and hopefully it will not be much longer, especially as it`s been so long already that the 6 months on the mortgage offer has less than 2 months left on it now, although, there`s still no mention on any estimated date yet and the movers are currently put back to mid May. This will be the 4th house purchase for me (one with each wife and one on my own) but never have I had problems the likes of these before. They were all along the lines of, find a house, make offer, move into house few months later and needless to say I will never be doing it again (not even if there`s a wife number 4 and she wants to buy a house). I just hope that when/if we eventually get there all the extra sunshine and country roads are worth it.
  5. Unfortunately you get idiots in all types of cars. Did the reg end in NT by any chance ?....
  6. Not been to El Dorado but been to Cancun 3 times now, all with Thomson and stayed in the Riu hotels. As above, Chichen Itza is worth going to if you like the historical stuff and there is another Pyramid in the jungle at Coba which you could climb up when we went but don`t know if you still can. We thought Coco Bongos was okay, more of a show than a night club, worst thing was it was absolutely packed so you couldn`t move around or get to the bar. The pirate boat trip is good fun. Booze and BBQ night on a boat with a bit of entertainment from the crew. I hate the idea of having to tip everyone and his brother and his dog for every little minor thing or assistance so needless to say didn`t do much of it at all but still the service was just fine. It`s certainly nothing like Egypt where they`re almost pulling the money out your pocket just for saying good morning as you pass by. The problem really is it`s full of Americans who are really nice as individuals but tend to behave like a pack of rowdy half wits once they get together around the pool bar and they tip like they`re trying to get elected for something so the waiters do tend to expect it. We`re going back to Mexico end of September but trying the pacific coast this time.
  7. If he is on here I would have expected him to know the difference between a GT and a GT Edition ...
  8. Might also be worthwhile reporting the incident/MOT tester/testing station to VOSA.
  9. Easy. It`s only okay if it came from the factory with the NISMO badge on.
  10. What, haven`t you seen Kevin & Perry ?
  11. It`s never a good idea looking at new cars. I really liked my RCZ and thought I would keep it for years and years until I started looking at 370s.
  12. I was gutted when I caught mine against the kerb when it wasn`t very old but a smart repair sorted it out good as new for about £50 I think it was.
  13. And then later on, as if it hasn`t been bad enough so far, they change into teenagers ....
  14. If you or the missus doesn't desperately want kids then it`s an easy decision, don`t have them. Life is much better and more fun being able to do all the things that you enjoy without the constraints imposed by having children. I was never really bothered about having them but wives 1 and 2 wanted them so I ended up with 3 and much as I may love them now I still feel I could quite happily have gone though life without ever having any.
  15. Bloody hell indeed. I don`t do anywhere near as much as that around the house and I`m home all day while the wife`s working 3 days a week. We have no pets though messing the place up and neither hers nor my kids living with us and they`re not allowed to bring their pets so use that as an excuse and rarely come to visit. So there`s never really any mess to clean up but I certainly wouldn`t be cleaning any mess the wife made if there was just because she couldn`t be bothered to clean up behind herself. It would be time to look for wife Number 4 if that was the case.
  16. When I got the Zed I nipped out at lunch time to pick it up and only got to drive it through the city streets and traffic back to work where I then spent the afternoon gazing out at it through the window until finishing time ..
  17. I agree. It feels great getting a brand new car and if your going to definitely make it yours at the end rather than just rent it for 3 years and then give it back and it still works out cheaper overall than a loan then it`s a .....
  18. I have never cared much for the idea of PCP. Always seemed to me like it wouldn`t be your car just someone else`s that you had use of for a monthly fee until you made the big payment at the end which I suspect most can`t afford to do or just don`t want to pay when it comes to it. I know you can just give it back and walk away but then you have no car or if you take another on PCP straight away do you then have to find another big deposit to start it off again? Much prefer straight forward loan which might mean more each month but at least you know it`s yours and all paid for in 3 years or whatever.
  19. Most relationships seem to stagnate over time. I think you need to get divorced and move on when you`re not happy with each other anymore. By the time you get to wife number 3 you`ve hopefully found the one to spend the rest of your days with (or are just too old to bother with another divorce).
  20. Some one tailgates you and then tries to go around and your response is to floor it? In 4th so presumably to well above the legal limit, and then you have to slow down to the legal limit because there are other road users about who are obviously being put in danger! You describe him as a ****, and driving like an idiot. I wonder how would you describe your driving on this occasion then?.......
  21. Photobucket seems to be a popular one. Open a free account. Upload pictures to there and then copy them into your posts.
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