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Everything posted by Kit-Kat

  1. That was my original plan also..... Now look what I've done! 370z! Good lad!
  2. Yes, got advised to head over here and glad I did! Cheers!
  3. Ahh! I got told it should of been metallic, glad I wasn't seeing things. Might go back for a second viewing then on this car, Thanks Adam
  4. Thanks for the replies, seems a very good forum and people seem to know there stuff! I just wish I had a few extra pennies for a really nice car! Anybody based around Derby/Notts Jct 28 M1 way?
  5. Hi everyone! I have joined up like many other people as i'm on the hunt for a 350z. I have been a full time VW enthusiast for 13 years with the last one being a pampered Deep Blue Pearl MK4 Golf R32 but bored of VW's now. I am on the hunt unfortunatly at the lower end of the market at about 5.5k for a well looked after UK GT spec model, Missed out on a nice black one on the trader for £5350 last week private sale so I know there about! Went to view another but the paint seemed very orange peely on one quarter, is this normal? Also the black (2003 model) seemed like a solid black like non metalic, is this what they were? Anyway, hello! Adam
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