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Everything posted by AliveBoy

  1. To be completely honest, I literally couldn't care less. Although it is highly amusing that someone in his late 40's is trying so hard to impress people over the Internet with how awesome his car is on a forum where it's not entirely relevant. The same member who only ever posts sarcastic and unhelpful comments. So crack on and enjoy those seats and torque figures, I'm sure you're the envy of all the other football fans down the pub.
  2. A diesel rep mobile that is quicker than a standard Zed Oh and as for cats and rep mobiles.... hello Dan Just ask a lady, coming first isn't always the best thing. Sometimes it's about the journey to get there If the journey is on heated/air conditioned seats in the lap of luxury listening to an optical surround sound system with 16 speakers wand over 500lbs/ft so you can overtake pretty much most of what's on the road then yes, I agree it's all about the journey 😀
  3. A diesel rep mobile that is quicker than a standard Zed Oh and as for cats and rep mobiles.... hello Dan Just ask a lady, coming first isn't always the best thing. Sometimes it's about the journey to get there
  4. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/100213-two-britons-killed-on-the-grossglockner-pass-austria/
  5. I can see the argument, for excitement my MR2 and GTI-6 are both probably better and it doesnt come close to Evo, Integrale, S13 .......... but when youre comparing it to everything out there, including 1.0 Automatic Austin Metros I struggle to see how anyone in their right mind could call the Zed the boring one. I got a lot more from mine after I started tracking it, and if anyone is finding theirs is starting to become a bit familiar Id suggest a bit of drifting too I know of a drifty one up for sale week after next
  6. Exactly, compared to me YOU are boring, we'll come to think of it compared to most people you are Coming from the guy who watches 11 men running around chasing a ball with his cats every weekend and drives a diesel rep mobile Stones in glass houses and all that...
  7. The thing I don't get is, everything is relative. Sure, next to a Huayra the Z is a pretty boring car, but the z does win in the cup holder stakes against it. However next to a daewoo matiz, the z is a supercar
  8. So boring to drive: Wish it could be this fun to drive:
  9. Not really, biting would probably result in some of these: "*****" from Stevo or something. we were merely entertaining your "bantz" with some of our own. At the end of the day, all four tarmac cars are running and driving with no issues, so we're one up on teamalltorqennotrousers
  10. Fully agree, needs a 63 teamtomato stickers and the BGW to be completed. Masterpiece any away! You guys are just jealous! Can you hook us up with some of the porsche parts your car doesn't need to put on it then?
  11. Haha, there's three of us to argue over it, I'd like my brother to have it tbh. its an illegally spaced 11 plate Can't make a car look newer than it is, can make it look older, but not newer.
  12. you have 200 more posts than stevo
  13. My mum loves Whinnie the Pooh and bought P1 OOH about 15 years ago, she's taken it across many cars, then recently she keeps getting offers of VERY large sums of money. We live round the corner from the McLaren factory, she's been followed twice by people with more money than sense offering her cash for it. She'll never sell it though, she bought it with some inheritance from her grandmother so the value to her is more than just money.
  14. Xander Xanthe Xavier? What cruel parents
  15. The problem is, when you change car, you now either have to find someone buying the car with the same initials as you, or you have to buy another V6 car (I know it's not literally that hard, but y'know!) It always annoys me when I see V10 XXX on a V8 etc, always just makes me think, uh oh, someone had a pay cut recently
  16. must be on again, you quoted me and it starred it out, although clearly some of my words were allowed anyway
  17. Got some brand new ones in the garage if anyone wants some
  18. edit: I think the swear filter might be off? Tit **** bollocks @*!# bugger balls
  19. That was me, and it was (and still is!) much appreciated
  20. I went for M666 MWD, MWD are my initials and with the 666 it doesn't look too personalised, so it's subtle, but means something to me.
  21. I'd say he used the ever faithful google The transit ones came from Google yes, but Flex, he was actually saying he loved MY dimensions
  22. Garage-D media, I tagged you in a comment on a few pics. They got a couple of us both, on Facebook
  23. THIS is what the day was about!! Having fun!
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