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Everything posted by AliveBoy

  1. The photo is smaller?! You have big nuts!
  2. AliveBoy

    Amuse Style Kit

    What will the reproductions be made of? urethane or FRP?
  3. I'm buying one of these On the tinternets I've only ever seen good things about BuddyClub stuff, and on here I've only ever seen good stuff about CS, so a winning combination in my eyes! Oh and all Japspeed stuff I have tried has been made of chocolate and has fallen apart very quickly. My K2 back box crapped its baffles at Santa Pod a few months ago, I still haven't had a it a year yet so I wouldn't have had t for long at the time.
  4. There's an extra cable for the auto. It goes "from the transmission to massively improve shifting"
  5. Quite a few things in life can go wrong if you don't get the angle of your dangle right And flyboy, would you make some alterations to one for tyre carrying?
  6. I emailed them for information and never heard back. I thought it could be a good tyre rack too
  7. its in a small recess. Don't look for it, feel for it. closer to the passenger side if I recall correctly. I think it might even have a small tab of Velcro to keep it up?
  8. Will you be putting some glass hoses on again stu?
  9. I use imageshack easy peasy, don't even need an account if you don't want to sign up for one
  10. Welcome! Just a question though, why is your DP a picture of that Gymnast, Beth Tweddle?!
  11. I was getting out of the car to fill up once, forgot to push the flap release so lent back in to push it and got the wrong button. Hey presto, me getting a face full of screen wash and the pump attendant creased over laughing. Funnily though, I've never forgotten to push the button whilst I'm still in the car since!
  12. Are we 100% that those wheels are the right shade of purple? I've seen so many thrown around I can't keep up
  13. FU! GF would go nuts if it was any wider. Doesn't fit through the local width restriction as it is. She doesn't like going the long way round.... Well if you already can't fit... might as well go the whole hog....
  14. Ask them. Any reputable company should be able to justify their costs. I work in expatriate tax, we frequently get people asking what things on their invoice mean/cover, almost every time we will explain what was carried out and the client will be happy and pay the invoice. If they can't justify it, tell them that you won't pay it until they can. Just my 50p
  15. I'm curious as to what shed would warrant such a journey
  16. I wasn't going to mention the plate but seeing as you have, that spacing deserves a fine.... if it makes you feel better, the money ive spent on numberplate fines over the last 5 years could probably buy me another Zed! I was told if you get caught 3 times the DVLA take the personal plate off you to stop you doing it again? If not, then my mini one will be going back on tonight!
  17. In all honesty, either or would be fine for me. Probably would want to do the handbrake bit for the reasons posted before I haven't bought a switch yet, so there's no hurry @Mrs Buster, define sane....
  18. I believe that there is an "ipod hack" floating around on the forum if you wanted clearer sound but with the same kit you currently have. Just search for "ipod hack" and there's a DIY thread
  19. How many June's do you know and any luck ? Does she come once every year?
  20. You'll need them for the MOT, I'm taking mine off sometime but then I'll reconnect them come mot time
  21. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/68678-headlight-washers-disable/page__hl__%2Bheadlight+%2Bwashers
  22. Well, you must be some sort of genius to do that! Awesome work, really well made and love the dimming to 50%, thats what makes a good mod, so good that you can't tell it was home brew
  23. Balls, I don't have any mental bodywork to attach the earth to
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