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Everything posted by AliveBoy

  1. 90mph into a tree, fuel tank first (which is just behind where PW was sitting). Lets look at your average family saloon, into a tree at 55mph head first (skip to 3:23 for the result). I'd say the Porsche did a reasonable job. That laguna would have been damaged far more if it hadn't taken the hit directly into the engine/crumple zone. 90mph straight into the side of the vehicle, directly into the corner of the fuel tank. you'll never have a tank not rupture from that. The only fuel tank that MIGHT take a hit like that would be a fuel bladder like they use in F1. edit: embedding the video
  2. It took them 5 DAYS just to FILM that 12 minute video. That's without the practise and set-up time too. Just look at his rally career to see what happens when he has to drive a route without 5 goes at slow pace. I was in madrid in 2013 for the European Gymkhana final and he got beaten by a 5 grand impreza. The videos are great to watch, but I wouldn't say the best ever. This on the other hand was done in one take:
  3. it's ok, didn't you see his helmet, it's actually pro motorbike racer Rossi. He'll be ok
  4. If the function is to p1ss people off, I think it does it pretty well
  5. yes and yes edit: check here: https://www.gov.uk/check-vehicle-tax
  6. second repost of the same article... Edit: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/102046-not-one-of-ours-i-hope/ and http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/102089-is-the-driver-a-member/
  7. It's on air, so you could do that too. and he's put a bloody porsche turbo badge on it!!!!! and agreed on the racecar front. I'd never before seen a race car with a full sound install, air ride and pointless non-functioning heavy fibreglass aero before... Looks cool, but it's no racecar...
  8. Get mishimoto ones, lifetime guarantee, even if they break when crashing. Clark motorsport sell them I think http://www.mishimoto.co.uk/mishimoto-nissan-350z-aluminum-fan-shroud-03.html#productdescription
  9. Easiest way is to absolutely blast it down a quiet, straight motorway runway as Uprev removes the 155mph speed limiter. Ive gone past 155 (162 IIRC) and it didnt stop, mine isnt uprevved either ditto, got a gps 158 at zandvoort, before I pooed my pants and thought I wasn't going to stop in time!
  10. on hold for keysers garage build I believe. Should be detailed in the thread I thought?
  11. fatrab so if you go on holiday with a few work friends for a weekend away I trust you invite every single person you work with? Regardless if you speak to them or not? You know, from the cleaner right through to the CEO? Otherwise it could be considered "cliquey"....
  12. you guys should use the app glympse, so then people can follow the route you've done already/where you are. (https://glympse.com/) Although I think you have to tell it the full route before you start. Would be cool to follow along though
  13. I had one of these BGW's the same as Grundy's to fit, but never got around to it, if I did, I'd 100% have been taking the spoiler off. I think most leave it on is because the boot would need a respray if it was removed and I also think if the wing was mounted further back (as I would have done) the mounts would need altered more or possibly custom ones made. I did single spoiler:
  14. Wish I could tell the weight of a wheel purely by looking at a picture on the internet
  15. Who are you insured with? If it's Elephant or Admiral, they will re-instate a policy for a £100 fee once you replace the car. Then weirdly - subject to no more issues - they'll still give you a years no claims!
  16. Or drive like a tool in general... the "magic button" won't always save people.
  17. What speed were you doing? To have taken out a lamp post and a fence, you can't have been going 30 At the end of the day you're ok, that's all that matters!
  18. Collected just now by Hodaka. Absolute gent and a lovely z. Pleasure doing "business"
  19. they are, sorry guys, I hadn't seen the replies
  20. Just glad you took it the right way
  21. What's Manuel got to do with this?!
  22. Ah, no they won't Sorry about that. I didn't realise the car was a facelift. Tarmac is your man then, he was banned briefly but isn't anymore
  23. *cough* http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/98867-clear-front-bumper-reflectors/#entry1491837 *cough*
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