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Everything posted by AliveBoy

  1. Oh and also, I've got clients who have been waiting for far longer than usual for refunds. HMRC had an issue where their online agents portal was hacked, and fraudsters were submitting claims for refunds which weren't due to their accounts so HMRC are being really careful now. I also had someone who had a refund cheque posted to them second class to canada and by the time the thing arrived the cheque had expired! Edit: sorry for the double post!
  2. I wonder if looking at the rear damage, if they hit something like a lamppost or a road sign backwards which folded it down onto the car? There's deff a pole shaped mark in the back bumper. It's a shame though, lovely cars
  3. I work in tax, for an expatriate tax firm and we have a thing we call "intaxication" which is the feeling of excitement at the prospect of a big refund, until you realise it should have been your money in the first place Let me know if anyone needs any help the website for us if you want to check it out is globaltaxnetwork.co.uk
  4. bet this one isn't worth much: http://www.ne-motorsalvage.co.uk/pages/page_34.php?value1=NISSAN&value2=%&value3=breakers&value4=RegYear&value5=0&page_type=&mode=detail&ID=1077&PHPSESSID=180f2c3bd0480dd8d92c5fad70a56645
  5. That intake is beautiful! That will go quickly GLWTS
  6. They've done a great job, shame the colour looks different on the pics, you can't see the shine! The are going on first thing in the morning. I need to decide how to do the centre caps. the nissan badges will be staying silver, and I have some carbon fibre wrap and some red carbon fibre wrap for them. Just cant decide. Was going to do one of each and try them to see which looks best. thoughts? It's a tough one imo, I guess the biggest thing is how the red vinyl matches up to the colour of the wheels. The black might be nice, a bit of a contrast and it wont look like they are missing as they will still have the nissan badges.
  7. Thanks for the replys! I can't believe I missed that thread. Do those treatments stop it from happening again?
  8. They look great, when are they going on? Did you get the centre caps painted red too?
  9. Normally I'd say some t-cut could sort it, but if a tissue did that I wouldn't like to see what tcut would do! Who on this forum still uses T-Cut?!?!?!?!? Too agressive I would say Me.
  10. Sorry if this has been covered before, I've searched for "headlight misting" "headlight fog" "headlight clouding" and even "headlight" and couldn't see anything relevant. My headlights cloud up each year and they are getting progressively worse. It just seems to be the top layer of plastic fading from exposure to UV rays. Whenever it starts to get bad I give it a bit of a rub with t-cut and it removes the clouding but it then comes back a few months later. Anyone got any miracle ideas? I've seen some kits, but they involve sanding the light surface down and I don't really want to do that. Thanks
  11. Are you the incredible hulk or something?! That must have been some tough rubbing! Have you tried giving it a wax to see if that minimises the visibility? Normally I'd say some t-cut could sort it, but if a tissue did that I wouldn't like to see what tcut would do! Maybe a perfect excuse for you to invest in some rear carbon ones?
  12. by your disk innards do you mean: because that would probably be a bad idea....
  13. Keeeeep it! You'll regret it if you don't. Especially seeing as the major bits to do, you've already done!
  14. ah! I didn't actually click it, there's always a catch. I believe that is why the saxo became so popular, they offered free insurance to anyone and cheap finance, so people that could never afford to drive before suddenly could.
  15. I'd suggest some copper grease as you're fitting aluminium spacers to steel hubs and that could cause oxidisation resulting in them being a bitch to get off. Copper grease should stop that from happening Reason for edit: Substituting "will" for "should"
  16. Whip it out! It's to make sure you don't put the wheels on the wrong way round (as in the wider ones on the front). It doesn't do anything else at all
  17. Yea could do wasn't sure if they could be replaced will find out cheers matt I'd imagine, that they should press out, as (I presume) the studs would be steel and the spacer aluminium. So it might be quite a simple swap. Or if you fancy 30mm spacers, just do it
  18. Why not replace the cross threaded studs? It cant be that hard, I'd imagine if you just email the people you got them from they'd help you out.
  19. My gearbox exited the car and made a hole in the road when I performed a failed "watch this perfect launch". Euroncap ratings can have a bit of an impact on the price as the biggest payout for an insurer is for personal injury. A car which can knock down a pedestrian without injuring them as much is likely to cost the insurer as much in payouts if the worst does happen.
  20. Coming from the side where people look at my car and say "what the hell did you do that for" I know my car isn't to everyone's tastes and quite frankly I couldn't care less, I love mine the way it is and I'm sure that this owner probably loves theirs too. If they didn't love it, I'm sure that the parts would have been pulled off by now. Surely as a forum people should be encouraging other z owners to participate and offering each other constructive opinions? There's some owners of 350's on this forum with questionable opinions of what looks nice in their own build threads, yet no one ever slates them for it. Looking at the pictures, the car is dirty, which to me suggests that the car is actually driven, and in my opinion that is more impressive than his lack of wheel offset, "stance", tidy engine bay, perfect bodywork or even shiny gold wheel nuts.
  21. My first car after I passed my test was a 1.6 1995 Audi A4, it was FAAAAR cheaper to insure than anything else my friends had and I could afford the insurance on it compared to the 1.2 punto I had whilst I was learning. That was only 7 years or so ago too and thankfully insurers didn't have the black box policies then either
  22. Go to Burger King (who have new chips btw) and ask for a super large. They don't have the cups on display, but they normally have them in the draw under the coke machine, and bingo, stupid amounts of chips and coke with a slightly smaller burger
  23. I once saw a horse in a 370..... I thought Amy Winehorse was dead?
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