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Everything posted by AliveBoy

  1. Quotes from F&F Tokyo Drift! He has the same bumper, so we were saying you were Tekashi If you can't find the right tools in this garage Mr. Arizona, then you don't belong to your car... The red evo is yours. What? You think I'ma let you roll in a hyundai? This your car? I'm standing by it... It's not how you stand by your car, it's how you race it....better remember that Now, me and the mad scientist got to rip apart the block... and replace the piston rings you fried.
  2. AWESOME! My car is held together with cable ties, rivets and a touch of duct tape, nice to know that my Pirelli Pzero's on each corner mean that I've done a proper repair!
  3. Quotes from F&F Tokyo Drift! He has the same bumper, so we were saying you were Tekashi If you can't find the right tools in this garage Mr. Arizona, then you don't belong to your car... The red evo is yours. What? You think I'ma let you roll in a hyundai?
  4. Quotes from F&F Tokyo Drift! He has the same bumper, so we were saying you were Tekashi
  5. You're like the Justin Timberlake of Japan right?
  6. If there's 4 different types of weave on the same car it can look really bad. 1x1 twill carbon: can look fake if different weaves are used around it.
  7. There is some SWEEEET door cards on this page. The carbon ones look amazing. http://my350z.com/forum/exterior-and-interior/454654-show-me-your-custom-door-panels-all-years-3.html
  8. y pipe backwards I believe it does
  9. Go rainbow, then everyone will be happy, especially the locals at any Brighton meets you go to
  10. Depends how permanent you want it to be. Sand the door cards down to a smooth finish and the vinyl won't be a problem, otherwise you might have some issues with it looking like a really bad paintjob
  11. Just don't follow a satnav, get the proper location off them, I got stuck on some muddy track trying to follow my stupid nav
  12. In short, apparently it's a ballache and would just be more simple to upgrade the non brembo's to a higher standard than fitting the brembo's
  13. Cheaper than that! Not my listing, so if they suck don't come after me http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/parts-and-plates/parts-and-accessories/nissan/brembo-brake-calipers-with-discs-for-350z/910437
  14. That looks like it might be toe wear. Get them to dial some toe out and you should be good to go.
  15. What about BA11 BAG? Never went on sale Neither did any of the BO 08 or KN 08 ones However.... CUN 7L is currently for sale! I've been watching it for years lol. http://www.motormarks.co.uk/fun.htm
  16. With brown being the new black for car colours, that plate could be quite popular. We used to have it on the back of a horse trailer too, I'll try and dig out some pics of it tonight!
  17. Unfortunately she is lol, she's Winnie the Pooh mad and bought it for that reason. She got offered what I would consider to be a very good sum a few years ago by someone in a Subaru P1!
  18. I've got M666 MWD, MWD are my initials, and I wanted a plate which wasn't too obviously a personal one and it hides the ages of cars quite nicely. My mum has P1 OOH which I expect will shoot up in value shortly once the first McLaren P1's roll out of the showrooms!
  19. I get 4 z wheels with a trolley jack, big tube of cable ties, crash lid, lunch, 5 litre bottle of water, small tool kit and a wheel brace in on a regular basis. Don't even need to let any air out
  20. It's like the Ken Block video's, everyone presumes that they are shot in one fluid attempt. The most recent KB video was shot over 5 DAYS! At least when Monster make theirs they make sure the car has the same wheels on the rear throughout the whole thing. It's an ok video and its an amazing car and he has got some skill, but the video doesn't actually show that much, it's too quick to change from scene to scene. The helicopter slo-mo was cool though!
  21. Saw this in another thread, but slightly relevant. This guy was tracked down for bragging about dodging a parking ticket... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-22449442
  22. You bought this much wheel cleaner? That might be a tad excessive...
  23. I think you all scared him off...
  24. Having had a very brief stint in car sales, I can confirm that this is correct, and they also make far more commission off of finance deals. Offering cash isn't an incentive when the dealer has to report to Nissan which cars they have sold and for how much. Good luck and welcome though!
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