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Everything posted by AliveBoy

  1. look here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/86683-water-in-my-zed-solved/ links to lots of other good threads too
  2. or there's another reason...
  3. I think they should just have separate races/classes for people who take performance enhancing drugs. Watching a man sprint 100 metres in 7 seconds? That would be amazing! Ok, he dies at the end from cardiac arrest, but he still got the record right?! Olympic wrestling with people openly on 'roids?! It would be like robot wars! Doping is good! From a spectators point of view anyway It then also opens the door to people with bionics, "welcome to the bionics javelin, Litvinjenko is about to throw! Oh god, he's just killed a woman in morrisons car park half a mile away!"
  4. You'd be surprised at the pressure that the exhaust puts out. I had some baffles which were secured in by two metal tabs fastened with a screw through the tail pipe. Over one morning on track the baffle managed to twist inside the exhaust to point down a bit. Also, if you tightened the bolts up on a fresh day, the heat of the exhaust could have loosened the bolts a bit causing the vibrations over a couple of days to undo the bolts. When the bolts are cold they'd be less tolerance in the threads meaning that when hot they'd be less tight
  5. Some invisible guy stole my wheel once, overtook me rolling it down the road! Either that or I forgot to do up my wheel nuts... Are you sure you just didn't forget to do the nuts up on that one? I doubt the black market for a used crapspeed exhaust bung is very large. Maybe it's a scam? They'll then offer to sell it back to you on here! Bloody scam artists, coming on here and selling us our own stuff back!
  6. Not healthy, Matt, not healthy! You're in Vegas, you'll be doing worse, and if you don't you're an embarrassment to all on the forum
  7. *Grabs a bucket of fried chicken and a large bottle of coke*
  8. you have just a house?! Put it on the house! or sell the house and buy wing!
  9. road racing is common in the states, pikes peak is a road race
  10. I'm a tax preparer myself not a tax advisor, so I can put you in contact with a very good advisor at my work who is literally worth their weight in gold. I can give basic advise, but obviously tax planning is critical to get right. I can sort you out an informal chat with them on the phone if you want, so that they can go through the next steps of action to get everything tidied away in the most efficient way? It's all 100% above board, no grey area stuff like some people advise. Drop me a pm if you want to have a chat with the advisor
  11. If you need any tax advise, let me know. I work in international tax and we mainly deal with US/UK moves (either direction for either nationality) as it's such a popular move. It's something which is a long term goal for me, totally jealous!
  12. Got any friends still there? I work in International income tax
  13. cruel, but oh so true: feel sorry for anyone related to them and the emergency services who responded to that though.
  14. Just fill it with exhaust paste until you get home
  15. Grundy isn't a million miles from there, could try him?
  16. I had this happen when I was at college, you'll get pulled over by the police every time they see you for a bit though as they want to check it is actually you - which I had no issue with at all. Nothing ever came of it, no speeding tickets. Hopefully the stole them for garage art or something. I was recommended to have a sticker or something in the rear window which is really unique, so if a speeding ticket comes through you can show it's the car with the stolen plates not yours.
  17. I'm glad I didn't add him on FB then! sometimes I want to flame the sh!t out of him, but then I see his "friends" commenting agreeing and I decide it's not worth it. The only reason I still have him is to laugh at his "drama's"
  18. Remembering whacky will.... He still posts semi-racist rants on facebook from time to time.
  19. Notice how people are trying to 1 up the 1 upping level of colleagues?! edit: spelling
  20. ^^ This is true. We've one in our work place. He's the cleaner but "apparently" he's a genius, just doing the cleaning job as the hours suit him & he doesn't need the money, ...all the women want him as well "apparently". Grade A bul*sh**ting to**er. Is his name matt Damon? lol To start with I thought that said my name, literally was about to throw a fit Teaches me to skim read Lol I've only just realised that Aliveboy and Matt Dedman are the same person! Stoopid being friends of multiple amounts of media! Sorry about that
  21. ^^ This is true. We've one in our work place. He's the cleaner but "apparently" he's a genius, just doing the cleaning job as the hours suit him & he doesn't need the money, ...all the women want him as well "apparently". Grade A bul*sh**ting to**er. Is his name matt Damon? lol To start with I thought that said my name, literally was about to throw a fit Teaches me to skim read
  22. Are you from Eurospec by any chance? (Just working out who in Guildford would have a really nice performance Japanese car ) Welcome, I'm from Woking
  23. If you have 5 minutes or so watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-PGCmizGgw
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