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Everything posted by AliveBoy

  1. Nope. Do you think it would make a difference?? Surely being further away from gas flow is the reason for extenders in the first place? And if this is the cause, I might be interested in buying the extra set to get rid of my CEL
  2. but that don't rhyme It does if you write it with an x, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.
  3. Say it six, you can suck my dick
  4. 1) Leave it 2) Do what I did and stick a black piece of vinyl over the light so you can't see it
  5. I took the jets off my bumper to make it quick release, so to stop the lose pipes dribbling everywhere I folded one of the hoses on itself and put a hose clip round both pieces and made it as tight as possible to make it water tight. At MOT time ill undo the hose clip, screw the washer jets back onto the bumper and plug the hoses back on
  6. if you're going down the VIP look route there's some curtain tassels and curtain tie backs in the for sale section atm
  7. You should put that as your signature, saves you typing it every time
  8. It's more the windscreen I want to see out of, having massive dangly bits tends to obstruct it. Don't know why having massive dangly bits would obstruct your view unless of course you've been over using it They flail around...
  9. Using tyres the wrong way round isn't anything new, read: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/formula1/22762318 Gary Anderson writes about it and if you scroll down to "nothing really changes" and the paragraph above its quite interesting.
  10. supercharger air filter? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Air-Filter-Electric-Supercharger-FORD-FOCUS-ST-VAUXHALL-CORSA-RENAULT-MEGANE-/320947293452?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item4ab9f30d0c
  11. It's more the windscreen I want to see out of, having massive dangly bits tends to obstruct it.
  12. She's back! http://item.mobileweb.ebay.co.uk/viewitem?itemId=290940205153
  13. When people put that I always think, "it's been spanked to within an inch of it's life on the road, but it's never been driven in a responsible place"
  14. Best I've got really, sorry! And yes, those dinky rear wheels do need to be spaced out some more
  15. I made my own grille. I cut the standard one (which in my opinion is f*** ugly!) from my 04 bumper and then fixed the new mesh behind the opening. IMO it looks much better
  16. I don't think it would be too dangerous except for the headroom issue and fitting the top of the seatbelt in. When all the gumph gets pulled out of the back of a 350 you can see the dips in the chassis where the G35/V35 seats would go. The strut brace looks like the seats are fitted to it in those pictures. If you look at the through the rear window pic you can see the tops of the seats tight against the struts.
  17. How much are these going for guys? I might be after one too lol
  18. I worked at Mercedes-Benz World for 2 years, and if someone went to buy an SLR, whilst the pre test drive deposit was clearing they were taken out in a C63 for a professional track driver to assess their driving ability. If they bought the car and it was deemed to be too much car for them they were given complimentary track experiences to help them drive the car safely whilst they waited for delivery, It all stemmed from a boxer who bought an SLR and ploughed through a load of people at a pedestrian crossing. Maybe more manufacturers need to help their best clients, it will probably keep them alive long enough to buy a second car too! Edit: tidying up poor wording
  19. That's weird... I literally just closed a thread on DW with this video in it Back on point, what an utter idiot, when you mess up the first attempt at being cool, you stop and drive sensibly! I feel sorry for the bystanders.
  20. Got a picture of the scrape? Body parts for the 350's are really expensive, so it could be cheaper to look at the cost of smart repair.
  21. AliveBoy

    Trial fit

    De wiper the rear and you'll be laughing
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