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Everything posted by AliveBoy

  1. I use t-cut (yep, the stuff the devil created) which polishes the haze out quite quickly, however give it a few months and I can notice the haze coming back. I'm not sure if this is because I haven't removed the top layer as sanding would do, or because the UV has already reacted with the plastic and it happens again. Bringing new unprotected plastic to the surface (buy removing the top layer) might re-haze, but some anti UV wax might save all your hard work.
  2. Has anyone ever used the "snooze box"'s at Silverstone? I'm doing an event in September over 2 days and the thought of sleeping inside the Silverstone grounds for £25 a person (3 person room is £75 a night) is really tempting me. It's on the same days as the BTCC so getting in and out with the car/tyres/kit etc will be a right pain, so this looks good. I just wondered if anyone has any feedback? Their website is www.snoozebox.com. Thanks, Matt
  3. Have you used anything to prevent it from happening again? Otherwise you'll find it comes back.
  4. There's a few traders on here who should be able to help. One will probably come along shortly
  5. That is in no way a shed Very nice
  6. At my work we call it intaxication. Intaxication: the feeling of joy at being awarded money, until you realise that it was yours in the first place.
  7. Certainly sounds like our friends at HMRC to me. Bunch of inbred illiterate knobshanks. The amount of times they mess up the most menial tasks is astounding!
  8. OH! MY! GOD! You use a sponge?? Yeah, it's melon shaped, like this: The car is treated to a lambswool wash mitt.
  9. Yeah, currently working for a company called Global Tax Network, it's great because every client is different and it doesn't get boring. Are you with a firm?
  10. I dance around in a mankini spraying the hose vertically to keep me cool. Bit of a soapy sponge wringing over my chest and I'm nice and chilled, car is still a mess though.
  11. AliveBoy


    What DB do you get on it?
  12. I work in expatriate tax, dealing mostly with high net worth individuals. When I see someone only 2 or 3 years older than me with a tax bill multiple times my wage I do get a little bit sad
  13. Which has subsequently been gated up and shut to traffic, so fellsteruk you won't be able to do you own.
  14. I'm currently working on a method of securing the indicators/numberplate lights to the body so that if the bumper gets touched it won't take anything with it. You have room to play with, but I just don't fancy losing an inch or so of available space
  15. Morning all! I'm starting to do events where you need a tow eye fitted on both the front and back of the car and not just one. What do you guys (and girls!) use? Obviously I have the standard screw in eye, but for the back I want something a bit better. In the event I'm doing in September one of the requirements is to drift with the back of the car as close to some concrete blocks as possible, now with that sort of thing I don't really want to have the hook hanging out waiting to be ripped off taking the car with it. I've got a tow strap, but I'm not sure where to fit it; I was thinking bolting it through the rear crash bar and putting a slit in the bumper for it to hang out of. If the worst should happen, would this be strong enough to tow the car for a short period of time? Thanks, Matt
  16. Theres also the taylor run for the Meningitis UK charity, its only in the UK which is good and bad at the same time.
  17. Ditto! But I'm really curious now
  18. I know last year a lot of people went crazy about "being robbed" and the whole thing being a "scam". Looks like they took on board the negative comments and fixed the problems. Maybe they just had a bad year in 2012. The thing which always gets me is, there's so many people doing this type of thing now, I never know which run I want to join
  19. I figured the aero gains would not be massive but was just interested in if they had any real world gains, even if marginal. I agree they look very nice especially with the turnbuckle connectors That's a good point Dedman... fibreglass ones wouldn't last too long I'd imagine. Crack in the front of my fibreglass one and bits missing from the bottom! I've only had it on for about 3 months
  20. More importantly they are made from urethane so will take a wallop on some curbs/speedbumps/road without any issues unlike fibreglass ones
  21. Most exhausts will discolour throughout usage from all of the heat cycles it goes through. A bit of metal polish should bring it up nicely, and then whenever you clean the rest of the car give it a wipeover with a damp microfibre to bring the shine up.
  22. To be honest this works in your favour, I had seen this for sale in the past for £350 and wondered why you were trying to beef the price up so much. Now you've justified it I can understand the extra cost. I'd hardly say they have clogged your thread up, rather helped you to provide extra information to make the price more reasonable.
  23. What about getting it smoothed (to remove the bobbly plasticy stuff) and then painted with a nice high gloss piano black type paint. Would work with the alacantara, and for a flair you could have coloured stitching.
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