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Everything posted by AliveBoy

  1. And you could house a family in that arch gap too!
  2. My favourite is no longer for sale http://www.cherished...s/0/CUN 7L.html Edit: Woooaaaah, that site has a whole naughty section: http://www.cherished-number-plates.co.uk/cherished-number-plates/cherished-number-plates-search/rude/10
  3. The one which gets me is when people buy one of those and chuck Bentley badges all over it!
  4. I believe, so long as you are clear of the junction by the time the light is red you are ok. "AMBER means STOP. You may go on only if the amber appears after you have crossed the stop line or are so close to it that to pull up might cause an accident" http://www.direct.gov.uk/prod_consum_dg/groups/dg_digitalassets/@dg/@en/@motor/documents/digitalasset/dg_191933.pdf
  5. http://www.driftworks.com/shallow-open-ended-wheel-nuts-m12-x-1-25-nissan-etc.html £1 each isn't exactly expensive! To the OP, those studs look good. The problem in your post is when people have slip on spacers. You'll be good with those
  6. Buy new studs, fit studs, done. It's about £15 for 10 new studs inc delivery I'd expect. Will take a mechanic about 7-8 minutes to fit. Done! If you're going to bin them I'll pay you for postage to me they're perfectly usable and good kit. Send a message to zmanalex and he will sort you some studs out for a good price.
  7. Where do you live dude. I'm sure someone nearby can let you borrow one to test
  8. They were bought used, so they can come in any which way so long as they're as described
  9. Added: bluebells, smurfette. Removed: not the bush!
  10. Procedure sounds good. Hub bolts to spacer, spacer bolts to wheel. And for new studs and or nuts
  11. Wasn't this place on Grand Designs the other week? The old lifeboat building was turned into a house? Edit: Lovely photo by the way
  12. The system is supposed to run most of the time. Even in the cold, run in constantly and you'll be fine.
  13. 19's for drifting will be expensive (tyres) as well as effectively gearing the car up. Personally, I'd use those for daily and use my current wheels for drifting
  14. Looks like a 350z crashed into a toyota celica and then a ferrari F430 replica
  15. I think we know that now At least I got the name right!
  16. I haven't had a look at the dials properly for the Z but I would imagine it would be easiest to use custom dials. My plan is to use custom ones in the gauge pods and dash that it comes with so it looks sort of OEM style. The hardest thing to sort out will be the speedo. To be honest in the skyline I only had oil pressure and temp and coolant temp nothing else What about using a stack combination dash in the standard binnacle? Should be able to plug straight in to the LS3 harness. Expensive though!
  17. I have the paint skills of a 2 year old
  18. Do you have any of those in 18's going cheap? They would look awesome smoking it up at Gymkhana Grid!
  19. Is that not referring to BHP? Maybe, still quite a few that don't have that either This would put me off them: "Remember: "The Car You Saw Today And Going To Buy Tomorrow, Somebody Saw Yesterday And Is Going To Buy Today."" It's on every page of their website!
  20. being sold by the "plus 200 club" who have no cars for sale which would go over 155mph let alone 200!
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