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Everything posted by AliveBoy

  1. The diff is really good to be honest. I notice it locking up less effectively when it gets hot, don't know about you Stevo? I've heard that if you weld it you'll snap drive shafts like anything, which has held me back from welding it up. You can get a cusco 2 way for a couple of grand though
  2. They also have cross road junctions that have red flashing lights in all directions, confused me the first time I saw one. You have to take it in turns to cross, one at a time, simply wouldn't work here. I've only seen 3 or 4 of this type and only in small towns. Some of the junctions in the big cities of The U.S.A are a complete nightmare they have double line turning lanes on both sides each with a filter light and in Colorado they often have traffic lights on the slip road leading onto the freeway. Pete The lights onto the freeway confused the heck out of me in LA! They only let 1 or 2 cars through at a time too, so when a numpty like me hesitates people get very honk happy
  3. You can turn right (would be left over here) on a red unless it says otherwise. It works really well and I really liked it when I was driving over there.
  4. I've been thinking about this. Whilst people can argue about jumping a red light until the cows come home. It is illegal, end of. However what gets me is what the thought process must be? "Oh my look at that nasty horrible man, he's not going to stop in time." "BAD MAN. BAD MAN. I WILL FIND YOU AND OUT YOU AS A LIGHT JUMPER" "Quick, what's the time?" "22:43.18, must remember that for when I get home to pull the footage off the camera, save it, upload it to youtube, start a thread on the 350z owners forum and post it up" When I see someone jump a red light I think to myself "what a dick" or I might use some bad words if it's a particularly bad one. Strikes me as a bit odd that someone's first thought is "INTERNET!"
  5. Tease! But having said that I have a friend who hails from Norwich.... hmmmm! Maybe a PM on the way if he's up your way soon and thanks
  6. Well these didn't last long. All 4 pinched from a Sainsbury's car park at the weekend. Seriously?! All 4 in one go!?
  7. depends on the spec etc of the disks. I'd recommend reading the gumpf which came with them or looking at the manufacturers website
  8. I have a Z seat for my PC, very comfy, highly recommend GLWTGA (Good luck with the give away )
  9. AliveBoy


    Where are you based? And do you want bolt or weld in? and to what spec? Supposedly Nickson Motorsport in Surrey are some of the best around. Driftworks shipped their new project from Birmingham down to them for a cage to go in and it looks amazing. There's some on the tinternet where you buy the cage in bits, get a welder of your choice to put it all together and then send pictures and a weld sample to the company for them to issue you an FIA certificate. Edit: It's not FIA it's MSA, and here's a link There's 3 options for the 350z. http://www.customcages.co.uk/Rollcage/Models.castle?manufacturer=Nissan
  10. Careful, BBK might report it to the police as he has his reg showing
  11. I'm after a TON (not literally ) of drift tyres for the next 2 months or so. When you change your tyres, instead of paying £2 a tyre for disposal, let me know and I'll either take them off you or if they are good I'll give you a couple of quid for them. I'm not after part worns, just 18" scrap tyres which hold pressure and have say 1mm (under the legal limit) on them. Thanks errbody
  12. Because no-one else has ever made a mistake whilst driving and would be totally cool with it being posted on the internet if they did? Seems to me that a really pedantic post has been blown well out of proportion.
  13. So there's me wondering what you're pointing out with your red line. Until I realise that it's the straw to the WD40 (or any other widely available spray lubricant brand)....
  14. That won't stop the emissions
  15. Get friendly with an MOT tester... Lol +1
  16. Yes and no, I have the backbox with a mix of other bits and bobs including decats and my K2 dropped its baffles very soon after I got it. I also had to get the inlet to the box red hot to bend it to the correct angle to fit it to the car as it was completely wrong, as well as one of the hangers wasn't at the correct angle. I also had to take a hammer to the tips a few months after I got it to stop the inner skin from rattling. I literally had to smash the lip in to get it to roll over more onto the inner skin and bite down to stop it from vibrating. Now you may think that all the fitment issues may be from a crash damaged Z which is putting the parts out of line, but my car has never been in a prang and the back end is 100% perfect (the front is another story, but thats from my drifting )
  17. on driftworks the word "epic" automatically gets swapped out for "mediocre" maybe "japspeed" should be swapped out for "no no no no NO" here?!
  18. To the OP, when you order, make sure you get a set of the long dial stalkey bits, they look like this: And they mean you can adjust the hardness of the rears easily through the strut Some places include them for free and some don't, they aren't normally too expensive though.
  19. Please don't. I want sideways to answer my questions first but it looks like he can't. Doesn't matter what I think anyway
  20. Seriously think this thread might need a padlock on it soon....
  21. Not going to lie, the floor needs a sweep
  22. I'm going to quote this, for that time when someone jumps a red light and ploughs into the side of your car. Will it just be a tiny mistake then? +1 +2 Maybe you do that sort of thing then Dblock? There's times when people are just on the change, but that's a blatant jumping of lights, no matter which way you look at it, he purposes chose to cross a red light. Yes if he did that I'd chase him and smash his window with a wiper. Are you honestly saying you make no mistakes when driving? If anyone says they've never dashed for the lights on yellow they are a liar.
  23. BC's are amazing. I found they made the car ride better as well as handle. I found the standard suspension quite crashy, however the BC's know if you want them to be comfy or hard thanks to their adjustability unlike the standard suspension which tries to do both at the same time.
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