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Everything posted by AliveBoy

  1. My local timpson is inside Tesco.... Damn they won't be happy, but needs must and all of that!
  2. Yeah! Did you notice the flat spot on his BRAKE DISK?! I got some pictures I'll chuck up later. The thing is, the car was really well done, even for a corsa. Some good suspension, brakes and wheels/tyres. Had a decent seat and harness combo and a full stripped out interior. I can't remember if he had a roll cage or not, but he was fully prepared to go on track....except for his cheapo aluminium wheel nuts :shrugs:
  3. That looks impressive! Nice work
  4. Don't get aluminium ones, there was a car at trax yesterday which turned into a 3 wheeler when his aluminium D1 wheel nuts gave up under braking on the main straight. There was a LOT of damage to the car from the wheel going up into the arch.
  5. Don't think so, but they look nice. I think the cops have got to be having a ridiculously boring day to pull you for having them. Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk 4 I've found that 3/4 plates are the type of illegal for when you've p*d off the police officer and they're wanting to really inconvenience you. I ran a 3/4 plate for a good year or so and got pulled for speeding with it on and didn't get anything. It depends mostly on 2 things, your attitude and your attitude towards any of the police you meet.
  6. Did it cost much to book that Z in the sky for the first picture? awesome pics
  7. Any recommendations? Excuse me! I think you'll find I live in Surrey's finest town of Woking! Nothing like that goes on around here! Because everyone is always stabbing each other as soon as they get within arms length....
  8. Do you need a hug? If that hug comes with a few thousand pounds of cash, then I'd frickin love a hug! Hmmm business plan, have a hug and give money, I reckon that'll take off! If you go to dark street corners in some major towns you can get way more than a hug for way less than a few thousand!
  9. Not me. http://lmgtfy.com/?q...y Elbow Grease?
  10. The way I look at it is that I don't drink. So when my college friends/work colleagues were out puking £50 a night onto the pavement through drink I was spending my money on car parts which I can sell off later if needs be, although it will be a loss, it's not as much of a loss as spending it on drink!
  11. Jet wash I just use a microfibre and hot water
  12. And American's say "anyways" that always irritates me! Anyway, back to the conversation. Mine just vanish from the draw when they get holes in, it's only happened in the 4 years since I started living with my girlfriend though, so I think she has a connection with the sock fairy or something.
  13. Excel! My favourite programme ever! :cloud9: I like you, you can stay
  14. I'd 100% recommend Mishimoto, their bits are covered by a massive warranty which covers any defect for the life of the product. If you have an accident and it gets damaged they will also replace the product for you too. The products are also good to go for next day delivery I believe.
  15. Normally the thing which stops me from working on the car is hunger. Guess thats not a problem there! Inside, lights, food, ramps and a floor to sleep on. How do you ever leave!?
  16. Boot liner/mat thingy ma-bob is sold
  17. I don't know what it's worth or if it needs to be re-coded or anything, but I have a bose zed headunit at home that you could try as an option?
  18. I'm with elephant and I got it for £1 something a month extra, was a no brainer really. They will also change the locks if required. I think more companies should offer it.
  19. Possibly very over the top. I'll be watching this with interest, I lost my key the other day too. Luckily I have key insurance, so I can claim on that
  20. I did mine last night and I wasn't impressed with my £154 for 6 months, let alone those rates!
  21. Rivets! That's what I used Tigerseal or something like that would do a good job. But seriously, as tarmac says, mask up before any trial fitting, it will leave deep scratches that won't polish out if you don't.
  22. How many tyres have you got inside your zed? My highest so far is 9. One on the roof, 2 in the boot, 4 in the hatch, one behind the passenger seat and one on the passenger seat. Are there any other ingenious ways to carry lots of tyres in a zed? Just to add, all were securely fastened and I passed multiple police vehicles with no issues
  23. Any particular reason why? The internet hardman in you is strong. Because if a car park is empty, what's the point in taking up 2 spaces. It just makes you look like a dick. And thanks, always nice to know my internet pointz are being noticed by a vegetable.
  24. I'd have parked across the 2 spaces next to him, nice and close to his passenger door. Or encircled it in trolleys, depending on how much time I had to waste....
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