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Everything posted by AliveBoy

  1. Thats because people are blinded by the fact the comes standard with 2, if it came with 1 from the factory then everyone would think the twins looked gay With a bumper tuck the single doesn't look out of place, but then I wouldn't expect most on this forum to understand - nearly every car looks the same & they all have the same ambitions I suppose it's also because it's not just pretty coloured wheel nuts, carbon vinyl and shiny engine bays.
  2. Billyzed made it, so I'll call it a BillyZed model I just need to change the angle a bit as I grind out a touch on even a slight incline
  3. Yes you should! Edit: pictures taken in fading light so not amazing.
  4. Of the 2 I prefer the first, personally I'd go for this one though http://www.madmotors.co.uk/carbon-products/nissan-carbon-products/nissan-350z/carbon-designs-nissan-350z-vented-carbon-bonnet-65677.html
  5. Tyre size calculators will help but you'll need to know all 3 measurements for the spare to get it right. The standard spare is a 145/90/16 which I can't check properly as most calculators stop at 85. But at 85 the difference is only 2mm, so if your spare corresponds to that you'll be fine. Get the measurements and go here: http://www.etyres.co.uk/tyre-size-calculator
  6. In other news; the article was LAST updated: 12:04, 20 September 2011
  7. Because people are lazy/naive and get scared by things like a misfire. It's amazing how many people will sell a car because of minor issues. I know a guy who bought an MOT failure, fixed the car and then sold it back to the previous owner for a nice profit as he saw it for sale and wanted it back. People get scared by potential garage bills.
  8. There was supposed to be at least one extra, but I decided to call it a day on getting mine ready at 1am so it didn't make it. The Mrs' standard Kia Picanto did look amazing on the club stand though Plans sound good, but stay awaaay from the boso though!
  9. I know your secret now.... mauhahaha!
  10. FYI: http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=25ef3958deecbbd7d54639c90&id=648d052088&e=8441f17d13
  11. you never had a merc. TBH I doubt anyone would steal a zed not the most desirable car but they are more likely to vandalise it. So take everything with you and store sat navs including holders away. Had 4 Merc's over the years. The brand doesn't really mean much about what you have or haven't owned. I've had 2 Audi's in the past, they were both utter heaps, but they were Audi's!
  12. I prefer trunk monkey! He smiles more.
  13. The daughter shaparone trunk monkey one is one of the best... I like car sales monkey too!
  14. That's if Lotus even exist next year, they've got massive money issues and losing Kimi isn't going to help that, they got a lot of sponsors purely because he went to them.
  15. Looks like carbon, the way it's grey on some parts and deep black on others from the way the light is hitting it.
  16. I've never really been a fan of rotiform wheels, but those those wheels, on that car, with that set up and supporting mods looks amazing
  17. Would be the same if I got a girls hair dryer and put it in my intake ha ha Leaf blower would be more effective (Still make F.A difference, but still!)
  18. No-one's suggesting you jump early but you may have bought the car part way through the insurance year. Hope that clarifies it. I've changed car mid way through a policy a couple of times. In 2009 went from a 1998 1.8 A4 which failed its MOT on multiple things to a lovely 54 plate 350z. I just called up the insurers and paid the extra, I only had the car for 7 months before my policy needed to be renewed.
  19. I've got some après rolling shots?
  20. Imagine if you'd crashed, wiped out a say 5 metre section of armco, then your car caught fire on the track itself. The cost of re-tarmacking a section along with the closure of the track and the barriers and everything else... I guess I can see why so many companies won't do Nurburgring track insurance!
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