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Everything posted by AliveBoy

  1. I suppose it also depends on the quality of your bumper a cheaper copy might not have the same tabs etc on it.
  2. AliveBoy

    Wheel nuts

    Had the same nuts and the thread on them came off from being done and undone so much, and yep, they went rusty too! I use the standard nissan ones again, they can go on and off as much as I want and they are deff strong.
  3. It's the first car forum I've been a member of which has one, generally all members will be over 16 at least. On driftworks there's a filter to stop the words "epic" and "stanced" being used, epic is changed to mediocre and stanced to lalalalalalalalala they are good (and highly amusing) word filters.
  4. Just testing: S****horpe. Thanks for the reply's
  5. I had japspeed decats, standard y pipe with a standard mid pipe with the mid box removed and then the standard back box, it sounded pretty nice, until I swapped it for a K2 box and then it sounded a bit naff
  6. Hi Guys, This is a query more than a suggestion and apologies in advance if me quoting bad words offends anyone Why is it that the swear filter is active on the forum when the homepage of said forum has fu**ing written on it in the youtube video preview? And you can't say sh*t, but you can say bullshit? I know I may be being pedantic, but it all confuses me as the main homepage would convey more of a first impression to new users than a random user who's not a member of staff using a bad word in a post. I know as with anything it's all in the context of usage, but seems a bit like double standards? Thanks, Matt
  7. I'd say its only about 10% of that ship missing, large amount of water damage though... (too soon?!) One careful owner? Technically that wouldn't be lying! I'm sure the owners were very careful with the ship. It was the idiot captain who caused the issue!
  8. Not yet mate, I will have to do one soon This is my car: http://www.350z-uk.c...d/#entry1120553 Hurry up and start building, then I can buy more stuff off you
  9. AliveBoy

    2014 Calendar

    Might have to belt some in
  10. I'd say its only about 10% of that ship missing, large amount of water damage though... (too soon?!)
  11. If you're going that far for lightening just fill them with helium! Or hydrogen, it's even lighter again. Wouldn't want to clip a kerb though! Lets go hydrogen inside the tyres (which are made of a red phosphorous and powdered glass mix inlaid into the tread for grip) mounted to a magnesium wheel. Explosive!
  12. If you're going that far for lightening just fill them with helium!
  13. I have a ginger friend who is 6'7" can we meet up and take a picture of you next to each other?!
  14. Other than the fact that pipe actually looks like a pipe (smokers pipe) what's wrong with this 350z? Just curious
  15. I think he means bulbs, like the interior etc bulbs and not whole tail lamp units.
  16. Might be a good reason to buy a nice front lip that will cover it up
  17. Will this still fit with the Vortech V3 supercharger fitted? Of course, it's just an OEM piece that you already have that's been painted. I think Will asks "why bother?" Because it can't really be seen. I've put quite a bit of time into my bay recently and I've no idea what shape my cover is in. Thought you were selling up?
  18. I can get my front bumper off in literally about 1.5 mins, the rest can't take too long and if you want some shiny timing chain coverage surely it's worth it for a good price anyway.
  19. Get them painted with the spokes one colour and that flat bit another, it could look awesome!
  20. I notice he hasn't come back but has been active elsewhere :scare: :scare:
  21. I used to have a diffuser, until I ripped it pretty much in half changing lane on the M25
  22. You won't be able to move with that on the back of yours You'll catch it on the slightest incline
  23. There's literally smooth plastic there on mine, no buttons/recess's or anything. Looks like something a previous owner did.
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