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Everything posted by AliveBoy

  1. The car is good fun! I had one in Nevada for 2 weeks, very nimble considering how much they weigh. the auto box isn't terrible either!
  2. speak to this guy: http://www.langysrodshop.co.uk/ He'll import anything you want, you paypal him the money at a 1:1 exchange rate (so $350 would be £350), then he buys it for you and takes care of flying it in, customs and vat charges etc. He can get most things in within a week! You just then collect it from Watford, or pay a small charge for onward shipment. I've used him a couple of times, so easy and hassle free
  3. The 350r looks amazing, it's everything a mustang should be! I love the camaro, except it's back end is so ugly! Most videos the Motor Trend channel upload are great, except the racing line ones, they're very samey samey Edit: particularly Roadkill, that show is amaaaaaaaazing
  4. there's a video coming out in a couple of weeks of the new camaro vs the BMW M4 the mondeo coupe mustang doesn't seem to compare to the camaro in all the side by side tests on the net, but unfortunately it's only available in left hand drive
  5. Grundy "Your honour, my defence is such. WHY was said female out of the kitchen without the required chaperone to keep her from being reversed over?" Judge "Case closed, damages awarded to Mr Grundy" I jest, I jest! Grundy wouldn't see them because of his rear wing, the lack of wiper is irrelevant
  6. not going to lie, it's a bit ironic to say that on a thread started specifically because you haven't been Case closed though as clearly RT are doing well so the OP can be happy and we can all have cake and move on now
  7. I'm using very expensive, and weirdly bright red, break in oil in mine. It's weird, people in the states use break in oil or a break in additive as a minimum, but it's rarely used over here. A lot of people seem to use mineral oil, which breaks down quickly. The build looks awesome bradders, glad it's coming together
  8. They'll use your passport one where possible.
  9. Yes, and the photocard has to be updated every 10 years. If you've been issued a plastic one the paper one isn't valid anymore.
  10. They got rid of the paper counterpart for us plastic license holders, you don't need to do anything unless yours becomes impossible to read or you move house etc. "The paper licence will continue to be valid - at least until it needs to renewed. "Those who have an old style paper driving licence issued before the photocard was introduced in 1998, this change won't affect you, and you should keep your licence."
  11. Yep, when the paper one comes for renewal it's plastic or nout
  12. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/106167-stackry-shipping-from-the-us/#entry1594474 Read this post, several options listed in there.
  13. How much does he charge to get to the parts to the UK? Does this guy have a company/ website? Sent from my E6653 using Tapatalk Yeah, the 1:1 rate covers parts, shipping and vat/taxes. Www.langysrodshop.co.uk he's mostly hot rod type stuff but he's said to me that he will bring anything in. Obviously massive stuff can't really be flown in easily so that's by boat which takes longer.
  14. The guy I use will import almost anything within 7/8 days for you. The way he does it is really simple, you send him a link to the piece; say a wheel for $100. He buys it for you and you pay him £100 as a 1:1 exchange rate. He then ships it to his shop in Watford and you either collect it or he can ship it on to you for an extra fee. Really expensive purchases it might not be worth it, but for bits as and when you need them it can be really good.
  15. for anyone who doesn't want to open the link, here's the rear of the new DB11 in white
  16. I don't think V6 and muscle really go hand in hand you'd be better looking for something like the F type exhaust sound, although that is in part to a fancy ECU making it crackle lots.
  17. I'd love to see what happens when that scrapes on too many speed bumps There's a reason a lot of race cars (genuinely) use plywood for splitters, they take a lot of damage and don't explode when you scrape them on things. If you have a splitter like that, you should be low enough for it to be almost functional.
  18. They are only a lip though aren't they? why not go the whole way and put a real carbon splitter on? http://www.carbonmods.co.uk/Products/Universal-Carbon-Fibre-Front-Splitter-Kit__CMUNSPLT001.aspx These are next level cool! a fair bit of work to make one though!
  19. I don't understand Motordyne, if they don't want someone to sell their products, why sell to that person in bulk!? They can't seriously think Adrian personally needs 30 exhaust systems and 20 sets of decats?! Bizarre business model!
  20. Faster response than the first 3 emergency responses
  21. Jesus the lord our saviour on a bicycle, ANYONE SAYING DON'T PAY IT, READ THE BEVIS CASE. "The consequence of this case is that the genuine pre-estimate of loss argument against high parking charges will no longer work. Parking charges do not need to represent loss, but instead not be extravagant or unconscionable." https://www.supremecourt.uk/cases/uksc-2015-0116.html http://www.parkingcowboys.co.uk/parkingeye-vs-beavis/ http://www.hardwicke.co.uk/insights/articles/the-law-on-penalties-after-parkingeye-v-beavis
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