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Everything posted by Ortega_9

  1. Put this Utec on Yesterday, and only just had time to fire it up. it has a map from a Sc setup, but is scalled for the Injectors, but idles REALLY bad, so shut it right off. ill throw the computer at it and put a Gtm tt basemap in and see how it goes. otherwise i'm serious considering the haltech ecu....
  2. Might be. I'we had more, and you tend to get use to it. It's utterly useless i know, but it still puts a grin on my face. And it's not a dayli driver anyway. if i wanted the 400ish bhp, i Would have just put a Sc kit on it and be done with it. I Think the vq Can handle much more, and i like the Challenge of the build i guess...
  3. Thanks. still some Way to go. And I Think it will "only" hit around the 400 bhp mark @0.4 bar and Stock engine. it will be more in time, but with the Stock engine there is no need to push it...
  4. And it's alive!! Horrible video... but there it is...
  5. Next is the wideband Dual lambda for tuning and making sure i'm not running lean. i'm not sure if the Stock lambda's are wideband. Anyway, the new ones are some of the Best, and i Can monitor left and right bank each. running all Lines together with original harness and installing with it's own power suply. Also there is three analog outputs for loging software, and for the new ecu. originally i wanted the gauge in the air went in the door, but also wanting to keep the a/c for a hot Day, i opted for the center cubby hole. i'll make something up to Mount it in at some point, but for now, i just want it fired up
  6. And fully welded. just need to adjust the right mufler abit after welding, and then, that wraps up the exhaust build.
  7. And all done with tacking up the right side. needs to be fully welded and adjusted. But that is the exhaust layout done....
  8. Finally had some time to spend on this car... the last few weeks beeing spend on my s13 to get it ready for sale... anyways, just started hanging the right side mufler. and getting the last few adjustments done on the left side
  9. So having done the left side exhaust and beeing going at it on the right side, aswell as cleaning a bit up in the engine Bay. i'm not sure, but i Think i want to go with the engine cover again, as i kinda like the clean and more stockish look. also ordered a Black Oil filler cap, and a new powersteering cap. And just Got the 2" alu pipe and Screw cap for my new coolant tank. So lots gooing on.
  10. Dyno video doing 650 hp. with my kit on. Just remembered this video of my kit from the car i got it of. 650 horse on pump 91 us gas
  11. Muffler tacked up with Mount and rear axel bends
  12. Trying to get the ends to meet, and get this muffler sitting pretty... and also leaving room to move about abit AND look the part with the difuser
  13. Some more progress. i'm using the AAM Dual 3" for inspiration. As it's a proven performer on FI Z'ds
  14. Had a few hours to get started today. I Think i'm gonna Stick with a true Dual 3". So cut some pipe, set flanges where they need to be and started messuring and tacking the first few bits together. Just finished welding the first piece now.
  15. And then the exhaust showed up... i need some more pipe end bends... but I'll order as it comes along
  16. Just Got the last pieces of pipe on today, so all done up top. tryed fitting the bumper, but i can see that the nozzle for the front light washer is in the samt place as the intake pipeing. So the headlight washer gotta go....
  17. And top side of the engine is almost done. just sprayed the last parts and then it's on to exhaust, ecu and fuelpump
  18. Thanks. me too.... all done with the hardware underneth for the moment. So just a few probes, bolts and brackets left..... and the rest of the exhaust...
  19. I Think i Got the top lambda probe fitted to the lhs downpipe. And then i fitted the probe to the right side prior to fitting it! There is NO room what so ever with theese HUGE pipes... And with that, it's almost the last thing on the todo list before moving on to ecu, AFR gauge and fuelpump... slowly running out of parts to put on. getting there
  20. One side on. i Think I'll have to remove it again as i thought i could fit the lambda probe when the down pipe was fitted.... but it looks like a redo.... i'm closing in on the exhaust... i don't know what to do yet. But i'm thinking a 3"- 4" Y pipe and a single 4" mid pipe to a 2x3" rear piece and Dual back boxes.
  21. Test fitting the last few pieces of boost pipe..... had some serious space issues with the lhs boost pipe. but it's in now... and all scratched up, so I'll have to throw it in the pile that needs repainting. but i'm pretty happy so far...
  22. Had a few hours today to spend in the garage. so started taking apart the washer assembly for the parts i need. I need to do new hoses and a new tank or two aswell as filler pipe and wireing, as nothing will sit in place due to boost pipes coolers etc. for some this might not be needed, but beeing a streetcar i want to keep the window and headlight washers. also the powersteering reservoire will have to be moved, and i had to redo the inlet in the powersteering pump as the boost pipe is in the Way.
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