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Everything posted by Jetpilot

  1. Will make no difference on a relatively low tune na engine.
  2. The most I have ever been stopped was obviously in my yoof but also when I had motorbikes, got stopped about 6 times in 2 years, no points I hasten to add, but bikes seemed to attract plenty of attention. I feel almost obscure in a car
  3. With the new speeding rules I am curious to when you were last stopped by the Police, for anything. The votes arent public, just curious, if you want to add for what it would be interesting.
  4. I think those two pipes (in the centre) will be for the waste gates (Tial ones it looks like to me). Also called screamer pipes no? Yes
  5. Rx8 would be my choice, but not at that budget.
  6. ^^ The problem isnt the loopholes, the problem is the government are scared that if they force them into paying the correct tax even if they completely ring fenced it (which i dont think they could), they will all up and leave and as Ekona says, leaving 1000's unemployed. No different to putting some duty etc on aviation fuel, total paranoia that they will move their UK head offices, which is the only reason there isnt any.
  7. ^^ Yeah quite a few 6 foot plus with no issue when i was an owner, helps to be a jdm sized individual sometimes though
  8. Whatever party will still be accountable, not the person making those decisions, so they will loose votes if they drew a hard line.
  9. But the politicians are not business men or women as you say, most of them are career politicians, how would they know how to run a business and the big problem with running a business is you have to be ruthless (on the most part), you are never going to be popular if you make ruthless decision, i.e closing down coal mines, the steel industry, if you can buy it cheaper elsewhere why wouldnt you, thats what a business man or woman would do, if a politician was ruthless they would just loose votes.
  10. I dont think you would have any less fun in any of them although I would prefer an older variant mx5. I would also imagine if your into tinkering and improving you will find far more availability for upgrades with the mx5 judging by the time I spend on mxnutz.
  11. Agree with Rob, whilst i appreciate your just looking for some feedback, your opinion might be very different, get out for some extended test drives in both
  12. God I remember that! Absolutely horrendous Quite the talk on the forums, i think on the show the previous owner was so impressed with what they did, he bought it back from them..... Sadly they had hit "that price range" when i got out of them, but seems they are firming up a little now which is a good thing, just as much as Ekona bangs on about having a Porsche , everyone should own a rotary at some point, i can safely say, there is nothing else like them, preferably the 7 P.s dont keep starting and stopping it now op, you will only flood it again, it needs a proper thrashing to clear it out, then whip the plugs out, give them a good clean and you are good to go, keep us posted
  13. Agreed a little on the low side, but still, would prefer a £37k Gtr to a £37k 370z
  14. Interesting the £££ is up a little since the announcement.
  15. No different to the crop of alloys available now, jr, borla, calibre, i would bet my left nut they are all made in the same factory. Tyres are important, no doubt about it, but i am with Docwra, i am more than happy to run mixed tyres back to front and am currently doing so on my Vx, i certainly didnt seem to suffer, i know what grip i have at the back and i know what grip i have at the front, wheres the problem?
  16. But if they think they are all the same, regardless of the fact they arent, its a mute point, you can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink.
  17. For me is nothing to do with the leaders, its the party politics, i havent yet seen a leader who i thought, i just couldnt give my vote to them even though i agree with their policies. Ref a legal requirement to vote, i see both sides, its like on here when someone asks a question, dont ask if you dont like the answer, same goes for politics, if you dont vote, you have no right to moan as you say I guess you can say its not a "fair" representation if "x" number havent voted, but being as they would just spoil their ballot paper anyway if forced, whats the point in making them?
  18. Did anyone in the Tv debates actually get their question answered, No, just more spin without actually answering, usual answer was just divert and try to blame the opposition, absolute waste of time and if someone really needs their vote confirming from a debate, they probably shouldnt have a vote imho.
  19. Correct He shall remain nameless but the phrase "must have a deathwish" was used regarding budget tyres recently on here, hysteria, just a bit.....
  20. Like I said bud, the local elections will be a good indicator. All the party's up here are trying to make it a council election, which it is but I think everybody will vote like it's a GE tbh. Snp is taking a lot of flak atm, but there is still no viable opposition in scotland now, there is no real contender to them, which is great if your snp and want a one party country (which is a dictatorship in my eyes), the real problem in politics just now up and down the UK is the sheer weakness and unelectability of candidates. I'm no tory voter but I also dislike snp' s grip on scotland and their current policies, so there is a strong chance I'd vote conservative as a tactical vote, but there again I can't stand Ruth Davidson. It's a real pity that in these "exciting political times" theres a real shed load of shitty candidates I am not so sure its the candidates, whilst ever i think TM is doing a good job with what she has been handed, i wouldnt say she is a vote winner, its just the party giving the people what they want (well 51%), same goes for NS, i cant believe she is/was the vote winner, more the snp are or were representing the majority. JC and labour just seems stuck in a 70's union time warp and arent listening. I changed my vote for the first time at the last election and It was nothing to do with candidates, just the party represented me much better, although i appreciate a lot will vote for a personality. I doubt the Tories would have even won last time around if they hadnt promised the referendum.
  21. I am not that familiar with the speed cut thingy, but presume it splices into the loom? If so just remove and reconnect the origìnal wires.
  22. Purely my opinion, Only the die hard ukip, labour and lib dem voters will be voting for their relevant parties, which I would imagine leaves a fair chunk looking with a fair bit of pondering to do. How do you think NS will fair, would loosing a big majority make her or her party sit and up and take notice if that were to happen?
  23. I dont think he is the problem, as above i guess he genuinely thinks he is the man for Labour, even if his party and their voters dont, its the unions and other fools voting him back in, talk about burying your head in the sand and flogging a dead horse.
  24. The dash cam isnt a fail safe, a guy on the vx forum had one and showed the other driver in the wrong, the two insurance companies are still "debating" who was at fault, the other driver gave a completely different chain of events in their statement, they obviously didnt know the owner had a dash cam.
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