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Everything posted by Jetpilot

  1. Once you get some prices let me know and will put it out to the Vx220 community, i know they are liked on there (probably elise too) but people dont like the idea of buying from Italy.
  2. I have enjoyed the new bond movies, but being more of the roger moore era the new mean and moody bond just isnt the same, as Codel says, sauve, full of gadgets and a good dollop of women thrown in for good measure
  3. We are monitored all the time dude, i have a friend who makes a very good living from cyber security, stuff he has told me is positively scary, Keep typing in the wrong words and see how quickly you get a visit, dark web or not, hidden ip or not There is a reason why most of these terrorists are known.
  4. Yes and they are bought to justice for speeding, i am sure you creep over the limit occasionally, so lets say any speeding offence resulted in a year or 2 or 3 prison sentence, would you still stray, forget the morals of it, i bet you wouldnt? The dark net isnt hidden mate (thats just hype), your every move is monitored from ip address's no matter what web you look at, so there are certain key words that will flag, but i disagree, if the penalty was more severe i genuinely dont think people would look unless they were deadly serious, hence you have sorted the wheat from the chaff.
  5. Ni, i am jumping to conclusions on past history of recent terror attacks where all but a select few are known to the intelligence community through either prior prison terms, travelling to training camps etc etc The question i am asking is, would you want a safer country for you're 5 year old, there are no caveats, its a yes or no answer and as a parent i would be stunned to think you wouldnt. Define get tough? Let's assume the police knew about this guy. Let's assume they can see his internet search history and he's been looking at ISIS sites, and chatting with ISIS mates about how the West is evil and someone should teach them a lesson. At that point, however much we may like it, he's done absolutely nothing wrong and tbh I wouldn't want to be in a country that arrested someone in that stage. Now when he starts buying bomb parts it's different, he's committed a crime and can (and should) be arrested. It's a slippery slope if you start down the road as the Thought Police. Where do you stop? Should I be arrested and detained if I say I'd like to punch Katie Hopkins in the face? Or how about if I say I hate all pikies? The line is a careful one, and we should be wary of stepping over it and becoming what we despise. We all know our boundaries in life and if we cross them, we get punished, if we exceed the speed limit by a certain amount, we get banned, so most of us dont because we dont want to get banned, so if you knew looking at how to make a dirty bomb on the dark web or otherwise carried a severe punishment (whatever that might be), how many would do it? How many would travel to training grounds if they knew they would have their passport revoked? saying you would like to punch Katie Hopkins or hating all pikies is nothing like researching how to make a bomb ffs or going off to train to kill people.
  6. Very close call between him and Sean as best Bond, another sad loss.
  7. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/05/23/manchester-terror-attack-everything-know-far/ So as i thought, Police know the identity of the attacker, so avoidable if we just get tough imho. We can all sit on hear on our moral high grounds (myself included), but just how do you justify to any of the families who lost someone, we knew who it was, but didnt have the powers to do anything about it, whatever doing anything about it might or might not include.
  8. No not at all, i dont want to pay for a warm bed and three square a day, drop them on bear grylls pacific island. Anyway, neither the time nor the place and its far too emotive a subject at this raw time.
  9. Anjem Choudry, 5 years jail, probably out in 2.5, jeez you can get more for speeding!
  10. Get rid of them? Where / how? That sounds a lot like the views of the people who are inciting hatred the other way. What makes your statement any better than theirs? There is a reason for my hatred, they are KILLING innocent people, children ffs, at a pop concert, does that really need justifying? I wander how you would feel if you lost a relative last night!!
  11. I am aware of that and it wasnt out laws, it was the eu courts blocking the deportation. I am not looking to get into an argument, but the laws are not tough enough, that has to be pretty obvious with such events and whilst you may not be worried about the hate preachers, you should, its these people that are radicalising these men and imho taking the p*ss out of this country. As we see with just about every incident, all these people are known, most of them have priors, just get rid of them.
  12. We have known hate preachers walking the streets in the UK so sorry but that law is a farce, hell we couldnt even manage to deport Abu Hamza to face up to the atrocities he carried out without a massive battle, lets be honest, there isnt enough of a deterrent.
  13. Seems its almost part of modern life these days, i would struggle to express my feelings towards anyone caught up in this, least of all the words to justify my hatred of the perpetrators.
  14. I would say its a very Labour like policy, I mean who is going to suffer, the ones who have worked hard to buy their own property, they will suffer more than the average working class labour voter.
  15. Very nice, widths and offsets might aid the sale.
  16. Most ebay items have a returns policy, check on the item page.
  17. They are pretty much the cheapest out there and a lot of people suffer with poor fitment and quality, the choice is really dependent on the sound you want, none will make any real difference to hp.
  18. Rip number 69, a proper hero imho, sad sady day for me.
  19. Bet they dont guarantee that ; ) an exhaust on its own will make little to no difference figures wise, you will need a plenum spacer and hfc's or decats to get 20bhp ish.
  20. Will they be cheaper than buying direct from Eltech?
  21. Happened on the btcc this weekend and saw Adrian Flux is sponsoring a touring car team if anyone wants to know why you're premiums have gone up
  22. I suppose most of us know who we are voting for and why, as aliveboy says, i wonder if anyone who filled that out was surprised by the results and would change their vote accordingly.
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