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Everything posted by Jetpilot

  1. I had a little read on how the polls are done, it seems as though they arent based on people just actually saying, i will vote tory, labour, lib dem etc but on a computer model based on answers from certain age groups in certain areas and who they will "likely" vote for and then the rest of the model is based on those answers , it would appear the labour rise is based on the younger age group getting out to vote, if this doesnt happen in the numbers they estimate, the Tories will still hold a large majority, as Ekona says, i cant believe in just a few weeks hundreds of thousands of people have jumped ship, i would bet not many on here have changed their voting opinion?
  2. I am not talking about particular words or language, as you say, those words back then were just as derogatory, its the basis that you cannot speak out on subjects (this one included) surrounding minorities, race or religion without someone assuming you have an agenda, there is nothing wrong with being political correct, but there is plenty wrong with political correctness being used as a banner for people to hide behind.
  3. Not everyone send their children to state funded schools, so whys that fair? I dont disagree though, but at least you would be able to make a claim on "their" insurance rather than not receiving a penny if one hit you now, or worse and someone was seriously injured, it would be no consolation to you if you were off work for a year and they had been banged up for no insurance.
  4. Ebay has a massive audience, but be prepared for time wasters and low ball offers, autotrader is well regarded, along with pistonheads. To be honest, if you want to sell, just put it anywhere and everywhere, if you are not in a rush, choose a couple of platforms, give them 4 weeks and if you are not getting the calls or viewings, try elsewhere.
  5. http://www.v2sport.com/ I use one of the above, full face, I have been very happy with it, not the lightest but quality seems good over the 3 years I have it, nothing falling off etc Funnily enough, i only remember one briefing where the organisers wanted to check helmets for their markings and integrity. I also have a 4 point harness specific to my Vx, but without teaching you to suck eggs, if you are getting a harness, please make sure you mount it to the regs otherwise it may cause you more harm than good.
  6. ^^ I am not sure we could get any more "pc", we only have to go back to near to the start of the thread where I was accused of pushing my anti muslim agenda for discussing how I believe we should treat these terrorists, if we can get more pc than that, I would be surprised.
  7. Ah you know him so well
  8. I dont understand why you would want to, you will still have to keep up insurance in the event it may get stolen/damaged so the only saving you will make is ved, i just wouldnt bother and take it out once a month for a spin a nice dry day, its never going to be a classic imho, so mileage is irrelevant.
  9. Yeah the polls have been so accurate at the last election, brexit and Trump, salt and pinch.
  10. It is not just the west Isis are targeting though, they are targeting anyone and everyone who doesnt agree with their beliefs and i mean anyone of any religion, just look at Syria, but i absolutely agree, because we are able to act and stand up to them, we are obvious targets and probably the worst rendition of how they believe you should be, but there is no way you can lay the foot of blame at the west. However, we have opened our doors to pretty much anyone for the chance of a better life and not live in terror that you may be beheaded for not conforming, yet this small minority are happy to live in this awful western world and enjoy all the benefits of it, but yet they plot against us. I am not condoning our actions or the wars we have fought by the way, but Isis doesnt exist because the of the West.
  11. Increasing costs are just a viscious circle though, the higher the costs are, the more people wont be able or want to pay, so more end up on the road uninsured and you are back to square one, increasing costs to cover the unisured. Also it seems two fold, people are petrified of claiming because of increased costs the following year, at fault or not. There is a thread running on the vx forum of a guy involved in an incident, he had a dash cam which shows the other party at fault, the third party statement is a complete pack of lies about the sequence of events, yet his insurers wont fight it as the other party wont admit blame, even though they have footage and the third party statement of events is false. I really think its about time we have state funded 3rd party cover and if you want to increase your cover to fully comp, fire and theft etc you follow the usual channels.
  12. Dont a lot of these modern V8's cut cylinders whilst cruising to increase efficiency?
  13. They prey on the weak looking to belong to something and have a purpose to their existence, i would imagine they are very adept at identifying such people.
  14. It wont be ideal mate, just dont drive too hard for too long, shame they are running in parallel Check out the forums for Apexi's
  15. Ah but those 50 seats were almost priceless, so who held a gun to Cleggs head and said, forget your principals and beliefs and form a coalition? The bloke had the breaking strain of a cheese straw
  16. Utter nonsense, Clegg had the power when the Tories needed his party in the event of the hung parliament, no one made him form a coalition, he could have pretty much asked for anything, but he was starry eyed at the thought of being deputy pm and folded under the pressure of getting in to number 10 or two fold, how did handling pressure well as you believe do him or his party they are now trying to appeal to stoners and students (oh the voice of the poor young stoned students who cant even manage to get to a polling station) in the hope of getting some votes back, like thats going to help the country through Brexit negotiations and our future
  17. And look what happened to Clegg, ended up folding under the pressure of Dave and the Tories, hardly a good example of a strong politician under pressure and whilst he may have got some votes, it ended his career. No of course i wouldnt want Dianne Abbot fronting up, the woman is a half wit, but thats nothing to do with pressure, she just doesnt have a clue. I know we wont agree but May v Junker is nothing like last night, i dont see May or her team folding to "pressure" from Junker, she will strike a deal which she believes is the best for us, i cant see she will be pressured into any deal she thinks sells us short, maybe i am wrong on that, but it goes way way beyond Paxman asking a couple of awkward questions. Not having a pop by the way
  18. I wouldnt worry at all mate, it just a standard flashed ecu that would have been mapped for 100 ron fuel anyway, much better off with a fully programmable stand alone like the Apexi. Keep us posted The benefit of have no cams, valves etc, That little buzzer though is also the anti christ, its the one that beeps if you have low coolant, once you've heard it its like a paranoia, you never want to hear it again, haha
  19. Sorry Col, not looking to dig, but Paxman asking the same question repeatedly is hardly pressure, all either of them did was repeat the same "answer", its all either of them would do, they were hardly likely to crack and break down in tears shouting no more, no more, i hate the monarchy, or your right, i so wanted to stay in Europe dam the population for voting out! I understand completely though that we dont want someone at the helm that Junker and his cronies can bully, but its not down to one person, neither May nor Corbyn will sign anything without their advisers agreeing. The single question asked to both of them that was interesting was, what figure would you put on leaving the Eu to get the right deal, its a shame neither would or could answer as i bet they both have some kind of idea, unless your Diane Abbot, 50p, no 50 million, no wait i meant 50 billion.
  20. I really dont see any relevance to it, they never answer the questions put to them with a direct answer, spin from both sides, so what did we learn from last night. Corbyn wont admit he doesnt believe in the monarchy/trident etc etc May wont admit she said there would be no general election/doesnt think we should be out of the EU etc etc
  21. I am reading this morning that Mi5 have opened enquiries into missed warnings over this incident, by all accounts claims his interest in being a potential terrorist killer were repeatedly reported to the authorities. There is a lot more about the individual should anyone care to read, recently been to Libya where he "may" have received terrorist training, teachers and religious figures who knew him raised concerns about his extremist views on multiple occasions over several years, to highlight a couple. So there is a failing, whether thats actual intel or the powers to act, which raises questions of what will become of the 14 other people arrested belived to be in his network.
  22. Yes they are bonded, had mine removed but by a glass fitter, he used wire to break the seal.
  23. I thought you mentioned the classes were changing, I.e 2wd, 4wd?
  24. Yep it doesnt really make any sense that those cheaper than oem parts would make it more to insure and as we all know an exhaust doesnt make it faster. Quite a few on here though have managed to find sensible insurance companies who arent loading policies willy nilly, have a search through.
  25. Brave man Andy, well done, out of interest, what beat you
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