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Everything posted by Jetpilot

  1. Special constable, vigilante trained in hand to hand combat etc is no going to be of no use when you are faced with an attacker with an ied or auto/semi automatic weapon as per say the Paris attacks, I know which one of your fight or flight you will be choosing if bullets are flying by your ears. I admire the dedication though.
  2. Vigilante, no chance, quick step to allowing race and hate crimes.
  3. I would imagine a major victory would be a person in authority?
  4. I remember some while ago there was some preacher dude in the middle of america somewhere who was threatening to burn a Koran, there was outcry, but why did anybody need to know, just let him get on and burn it, if a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to here it, does it make a sound...
  5. Very much so, i think i have said elsewhere in threads surrounding gun laws, a car/van/lorry is equally as much of a weapon in the wrong hands and you wouldnt even have to try hard to get one. Having said though, they dont seem to be featured too much in Peter and Jane book one of terrorism, the mo generally seems to be ied's. So having defended our security services and laws, lets take the Manchester bomber as an example, now knowing his history, which probably isnt even all the gory details, just snippets, if he was leaving the country and travelling to Lybia, would you deem it inappropriate to give him the "choice" that if he travels there he has his passport revoked?
  6. When did i say the government get nothing done, i said they need a firmer hand and more powers to prevent these incidents and as per Jays comment, an individual case would be needed to build a picture of the threat, which they do, so why not allow them to be able to act. I havent evaded the question, there is no single answer except to say, i am pretty sure they know exactly who are threats and to which level in most incidents and that wont be because you have just shared a random drink with an extremist and no one is talking deportation, its a simple choice, if "they" believe they are a terror threat, why wouldnt you want to protect your country?
  7. I am pretty sure the authorities know, as is regularly the case after a terror attack exactly who these suspects are, so i am quite positive the people who take regular trips to the middle east are appropriately vetted and cleared of being a potential threat.
  8. I doubt volunteer or aid workers are known to security services for potential terror attacks
  9. Ok, so how about anyone KNOWN to the security services, as per the Manchester bomber be given a simple choice, if you go to the middle east, you have your passport revoked?
  10. Sorry dude, not a chance at £8k, if you look to sell I would start advertising at £7k.
  11. I am still of the opinion that you are safer at a trackday than on the road and we all jump in road cars without a thought for helmets, harness etc etc I am not dismissing track day safety by any means, but not having harness's, cages etc would not stop me going out.
  12. Dianne Abbot strikes again, well sort of..... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/05/30/jeremy-corbyn-car-crash-interview-childcare-pledge/
  13. Some great info Oh no, whats wrong with the 8?
  14. I have ordered from Mad before, bumper arrived when they said, however, the fit was so poor you would think it was for another car, in fairness it was not their fault they are just a middle man, i supplied them with photos for the manufacturer and received a full refund without any hassle. If you are not satisfied just ask for your money back, if they get chewy and you paid via card, just file a complaint with the card company.
  15. A question for the wise, would i be right in assuming that if a strike was launched either from us or anyone else, the missiles themselves could at any time be detonated mid flight or have their intended destination altered? Or once the button is pushed there is no comeback?
  16. ^^^ This, who has the bigger stick theory
  17. Did Tim not test it, give you a reason for the boost issue?
  18. I watched a bit of the "question time" last night, I reckon it will be on Sky box office soon alongside some other fantasy event like wwe wrestling.
  19. I am guessing you mean ebay Nowadays with ebay i pretty much ignore every question, unless its, can i have your number to arrange a viewing, when i sold my first 350z the guy who bought it had sent me a couple of messages, first was some low offer so i didnt even respond to that or answer his 2nd message, he still bid and won, turned up and paid. Anything like, what mpg does it do, whats the insurance like and question already covered in the ad i just consider spam and as above, the magical CASH offers, however i do respond to those with how else do you intend to pay, magic beans or bottle tops, they dont like that so its always good for a laugh. I generally think its pretty easy to spot serious buyers or enquiries
  20. ^^ I echo this, if looking for a car I will look everywhere and often see duplicate adverts, I then get a shortlist and go from there, I guess it depends what your preferences are as to where you start. I usually start with ebay just because its familiar, autotrader and then on to ph, occasionally staggering onto gumtree if my favoured channels are exhausted. I usually find ph cars to in the higher price bracket of whatever example so if you want top dollar start there.
  21. I think this sums up the situation perfectly for me:
  22. I am not condoning it just asking the question, lets say you know the dude and he wasnt offended, would you be or should anyone else be offended?
  23. So lets ask a question, if someone called a black fella, a black fuc*er and said black fella wasnt offended by said comment, why should anyone else be, let alone someone white being pc?
  24. Funnily enough this is the thing i was only thinking today, if there is one thing in this election that i hope we dont see, whatever the result, is the absolute bullsh*t post election from voters of the loosing sides, i.e marching on London, claims of futures being ruined, let alone the stupid comments and casting aspersions towards whoever voted the way of the winning party.
  25. All the new young people who are coming to vote, surely it also depends on their locations? In Woking for example, 10,000 youngsters suddenly voting for labour wouldn't even half their deficit to the tories based on the 2015 result. edit: double quote by accident I am only going on what i read and maybe that is a failing of the computer model, based purely only demographic rather than majorities held in certain seats.
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