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Everything posted by Jetpilot

  1. I didnt think for one minute you would see it as a positive but its not all doom and gloom unless of course you want to see it that way
  2. Terrible this Brexit thingy: https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-economy-cbi-idUKKBN19D12S
  3. All these energy saving devices still have to paid for and you are just moving the industry away from one thing to another, so whats the environmental impact of increased production of pv panels, triple glazing, insulation etc etc ?? Sorry i just cant understand the, i am saving "x" a year mentality, when its cost you more to implement these things in the first place, in my new build i have, 120mm insulation in the floor, 75mm in the walls, 100mm loose fill in the ceilings, pv panels, thats probably £7k in insulation and energy saving on just a small 2 bed house, i doubt i would get anywhere near a £7k saving. It depends on how long you stay there doesnt it, if energy prices continue to rise like they have you will be surprised. But apart from that I can tell you that come your first winter you will appreciate it . I grew up in a totally un-insulated house , no central heating and single glazed metal framed windows . It was common to have ice on the inside in the winter. I know what I prefer If we had done it years ago it would be paid for by now as we have been here 18 years, another 3 or 4 years and we will be making money on the improvements we have made that time will fly by Well no not really, even if i save £500 a year (which i wont), its still going to take 14 years to see any return and by then the systems will have been superseded and will need replacing anyway, my current home built nearly 15 years ago is perfectly fine (no wall/floor insulation/basic wood double glazing), bills are very modest. The regs today to meet sap calcs are just ridiculous, i missed my first year regs by not building in time and had to update to current regs, floor insulation jumped 50mm, thats well over 50%, wall insulation up 25mm which is 50% in one years updates and the best bit, if i open a window because i like fresh air, its all a total utter waste of time as any heat retained has just gone out the window, literally!
  4. All these energy saving devices still have to paid for and you are just moving the industry away from one thing to another, so whats the environmental impact of increased production of pv panels, triple glazing, insulation etc etc ?? Sorry i just cant understand the, i am saving "x" a year mentality, when its cost you more to implement these things in the first place, in my new build i have, 120mm insulation in the floor, 75mm in the walls, 100mm loose fill in the ceilings, pv panels, thats probably £7k in insulation and energy saving on just a small 2 bed house, i doubt i would get anywhere near a £7k saving. Every little helps, well if turning up to clear up a volcano with a dustpan and brush is a help, your on the money.
  5. I am having to install pv to meet the latest sap calcs for building regs in my new build, circa £2k which is a trade deal, i cant wait to find out how effective they are and make savings......In about 20 years
  6. Jetpilot

    XXR Wheels

    Not a bad wheel by any stretch, there are a lot worse out there buddy.
  7. Sorry buddy, earlier on you said it was running in parallel. Keep us posted
  8. I would look at going back to the sequential set up and run a little more boost than std on a mapped Apexi, will be plenty fast enough. Why has the boost been set at 7 psi?
  9. It wont be anything to do with fuel, American dynos are well known for reading higher than over here.
  10. More importantly, what was Sir doing in Monster Wraps, or should i say, what colour you going for?
  11. Good point, i quite like to be in something different and i didnt see many Zeds round my way and it would always turn heads and in an area full of exotica that was quite surprising, but i also get that with the vx220, dont think i have seen another one which is odd as quite a few owners on the vx forum from my area
  12. Comparison wise I am not sure there is much better £ for £, perhaps much like Cragus there wasnt a lot out there I wanted to upgrade or change to without a serious jump up in budget, it was only circumstance that made me change and that was I was interested in having something more track focused as thats where I was enjoying driving. So i went from 350z to supercharged 350z, which again was difficult to better £ for £ and then on to a supercharged vx220 and really there is no comparison, they are completely different animals. Lots of cars out there to choose from but it will only come down to budget and what boxes you want ticking to what you can or could end up in.
  13. Funny i watched an old TG last nightI May in a 458 staying ahead of Hammond in a GT3RS, until he spun off trying, i think his ambition outweighs his talent a lot of time
  14. I don't think one race is indicative, too many variables. Same car, same track, same day....Personally i would say thats the most level playing field ever.
  15. Well thats the exact point Stu, its not my prospective, its just some facts and freely admit its not gone as well as she thought as ive said but most of rthe est offered is just opinion and pie in the sky and nothing is written in stone about what will happen with Brexit.
  16. How do you know what most brexiters wanted...I admire youre poltical knowledge, but you really do make a lot of assumptions about what people have or havent voted for, I totally accept opinion and respect yours, but rash claims are another thing entirely, we have no idea what we are getting yet, so lets just wait and see what we get and whether we like it
  17. Can we all just put things into a little prospective, in the tighest constituencies TM would still have held a majority with less than 400 more votes, ok she wasnt as popular as she thought, but still has 50 more seats than JC, Gordon Brown was kicked out for roughly the same result.
  18. I suppose it comes down to trust, if they can u turn on a bad idea, they can u turn on a good idea
  19. ^^^ So true, there was a great plan for wind turbines in my area out to sea, everyone was up in arms as it "would ruin their view", so you can scrap those from the equation because of their intrusive nature.
  20. Mmmm, you did see JC driving round Imola and the Nardo ring at over 200, amongst other stuff right, I certainly wouldnt say he wasnt brave, maybe just a better driver than Hamster. I can imagine that was a pretty big bang when those lithium batteries went up
  21. I hear when Dianne Abbott called in sick she said she has a temperature of 5000.
  22. I didnt even vote Tory last time round, so you can hardly call me ardent and its no secret i voted to leave the Eu, which is obviously really your gripe with the whole situation, so basically thats what this comes down to. I am under no illusion Mays plan didnt go the way she wanted (as i mention elsewhere), but the facts are, she has a majority over Labour, there was a majority who wanted to leave the Eu (and neither you nor me know what the voting public wanted with regards to hard or soft brexit). However, there is absolutely no evidence that her plans wont come to fruition, i am sure Corbyns plans didnt involve his party calling for his resignation not so long ago and he has come up roses
  23. Of course she has a plan, she just isnt going to shout out the details for very obvious reasons.
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