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Everything posted by Jetpilot

  1. Yep and ORG 4SM sold for £135k, good job we dont all have the same sense of humour
  2. Exactly, no need to get bent out of shape because i dont like any plate spelling someones name, its nothing personal (excuse the pun), just as you say an "opinion" A personal plate is just that, personal and just as your rrr ref its personal to rosemary rebecca johnstone!
  3. There is no set rules for what makes a "personalised" registration, its not the law that is "has" to spell a name and they are all a jumble of letters and numbers, including your own. Tasteful or not, it sold for 90k, not sure anyone wouldnt like that in their bank
  4. Given a few examples of what i think look good
  5. I like a personalised plate (as above) if it is 1) is easy to understand and you havent got to spend valuable brain power trying to work it out (sorry op), 2) isnt initials or names (sorry dusty) Having siad that i have a what could be described as a personal plate but just like it as you dont have to have such a huge front plate. Some good plates round my way are: 13 BAD (1&3 are very close so looks like B BAD COM1T FA57CAR XOC1T and a dude i recently worked for had AV12DBS on a V12 DBS strangely and you cannot beat Steve Parish's plate PEN15
  6. The performance you have with the 370 is going to be hard to match at that price point, so like you say, GTR, R8 kind of budget. Do you want to be busy with another project? Now i know you are a man that likes to "tinker", but 1700 miles is still time driving, not hidden away in the Shed creating and you are coming into that time of year when enjoying cars comes to the fore (spring/summer), so maybe you will do more miles this year in the 370 or GTR/R8 etc as other projects have been completed? The track work is taken care of so is a sports/supercar really the route, i.e does it really need to be edge of seat type drive or, something way more GT that you will maybe enjoy driving some as its no so on the edge, bit of luxury, comfort and all the goodies but still lifts up its skirt should you require. So what am i thinking, maybe Maser GranTourismo, AMG something, Aston etc If you really must have ANOTHER project, do the pick up, cheap, cheerful and will allow for the being stuck in the Shed with you're creative juices flowing, but still allows for a nice motor to enjoy when takes the mood!
  7. Inbred sailor, i like it, could be worse i guess
  8. I think thats ace, very funny Cant help but think in your pc world Col the inbreeding section is a bit risque, i reckon if someone called someone a inbred pirate on here (which i am, lol) they would be banned
  9. Jetpilot

    Low seats

    Check out Andy James/Silver Pheonix thread, he is of the lanky variety and regularly tracks/sprints/hillclimbs his car and has just adapted some seats and mounts!
  10. ^^ And some decent coilovers and arb's and it will handle better too
  11. Just so you are not alone Andy: All seafood Nuts Bananas I used to be allergic to cows milk, i used to have to have goats milk, i have no idea what the difference is by the way.
  12. If it was the below, then yes https://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/subaru/impreza-sti/jdm-wrx-sti-spec-c-hatchback-2010/7163427
  13. You have more confidence than me, its only ever going to be a regular service engineer that pdi's the car.
  14. I am not sure if its been said before, but it also makes you wonder how many journos may have driven these cars with the blocks in situ??? I would be commissioning Nissan to do a statutory recall and also let the motoring press know!!
  15. I would contact any of the specialists, Abbey or Horsham Developments for example as they may be able to disable the alarm through the up rev software, but i cannot confirm for sure. However i agree it would be more simple to deactivate the Clifford or it may just be as simple as resetting the fobs, i seem to remember there is a procedure:
  16. It certainly doesnt look like the grills front and rear under the lights are open?
  17. There was a recent chat re a new Mclaren and its function over form aero and how its just not pretty so totally get the whole working aero schnizzle and fully appreciate its benefits, with the caveat of, on a race track/car, not a road going hot hatch, imho of course. As others have said, more power to you for not going the safe option of a Golf R
  18. Ah chefs pleasure bag
  19. I have visited that place with a mate whilst he was 458 shopping, sadly i took exception to the salesman, skinny jeans, loafers with no socks and shirt half tucked in (the son of the owner apparently), they had a 599 GTO there, £899k, he sauntered over and greeted us, the talked turned to the 599, i said, wow thats absolutely gorgeous, ohhh thats a lot of money, his reply with a toss of the head, "is it" My mate wasnt too happy when i replied," yeah nearly a million pounds is a lot of money, f*ck you cant even afford socks" And left
  20. Is that for sick or the car? No doubting its credentials but i am afraid i just cant get past the "looks", its good we dont all like the same things though op, the world would be a dull place
  21. Always a decent place to look if you want some proper fitment. http://www.jdmdistro.com/
  22. Holy rubbish thread revival, lol, thats 2.24 i will never get back Sorry, very poor marketing gimmick around an iconic film
  23. Exactly I didnt find the std seats too comfortable, got a very sore lower back , I ended up with a Corbeau and planned to get a matching one later on, same shell as the Vxr seats and never got a single eache or always plenty of Lotus Probax seats around on ebay. http://www.sportseats4u.co.uk/corbeau-le-pro1-lotus-racing-seat/prod_836.html
  24. My only negative comment so far, i really dont like the "biscuit" centres
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