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Everything posted by Jetpilot

  1. They are a bit out of budget, but depends when you are looking i guess
  2. Most of the moderators dont have Zeds any more, perhaps you should take your objection to Ekona being a non z owner up with them
  3. Depending on how far down the line you are looking, GT86/BRZ might come into budget if they drop a little more!
  4. ^^^ That wasnt directed at you dude
  5. You know what, i possibly dont think "some" things we see and hear arent subject to conspiracy theories, however, would it also not be naive to think, every major event is a conspiracy theory? 911 for example, whilst it may seem like monumental planning to pull that off, "they" only have to get it right once and perhaps, just perhaps, they got it right this once? And when you say "your own research", what research have you done, besides reading internet/books, have you gone seeking evidence your self, or just relied on others to feed you this info?
  6. Boriska has a lot of difficulties with school, no sh*t! Well a lot of people on here seem to believe everything they read, so maybe he is not wrong
  7. Check out Warren Buffet, his shareholders love him and he has donated 46+ billion
  8. I find it quite staggering that anyone with any thought process of their own (i.e "most" members on here, thats a compliment by the way) are taken in by Musk, maybe i am being too generous Unless we evolve to cope with environments other than our own its game over, i think GZ said it right, science FICTION! Ah well, the ev thread is dead in the water and equally as dull, so i am not surprised to see a "new" topic to circumnavigate the thread to get the banter going again. Oh look a squirrel in a sequin jump suit
  9. ^^^ maybe they are taking a leaf out of Musks strategy, oh look, a squirrel
  10. ^^^ Get that Mr Keyser to join you and make use of his 370z
  11. ^^^ A buddy of mine has sequential pvt plates on all his cars, 1 ***, 2 *** etc, he had a courtesy car the other day and said, its great, no one knows its me, so he is now struggling between his vanity or obscurity, haha
  12. i doubt anyone wanting a raptor would consider its practicality
  13. ^^^^ After hearing how many F150 pick ups they sell in the states, i am surprised they havent done a ala Mustang and released a rhd version
  14. If driving Miss Daisy Personally think its a bit pointless having something with a sh*t load of potential if its not being used, might as well get an oil burner with walls of torque when required if you are worried about mpg.
  15. Gtr surely has to be a contender, unless you specifically need 4 adult seats, which i dont Economical and performance arent two words that can live hand in hand imho.
  16. Codels reply sums it up perfectly! The problem is, the ev thread is dull and avoided, so not much point posting there/here anymore if you want some banter like gz
  17. Other cars vary widely, v6, v8, 4 pot turbo, etc etc An ev is an ev, the discussion has been debated until we are blue in the face, why does this particular ev need its own thread just because of its looks, which granted is about 60 million times better than the other ev dross, but still generic 911 esque. Personally i think the forum is a better place for this combined thread
  18. ^^ I like a good fastest lap stat, but i am pretty sure you would have to take into account the 350 would be naturally running a far better more modern tyre than that supplied on an old Pulsar. Tyre improvement is and has been a game changer.
  19. Interesting topic how people define cars and its slightly ironic that in that very article about top ten sports cars, it quotes the 370z, as close to an old school muscle car this side of a ford mustang. I guess its just artistic licence and a journo struggling to fill his top 10 and bolster a slow day at the office, i would very much put the 370z as a sports car.
  20. Who cares, it means nothing to me, just as said, it was on a car i bought and is 2 & 3 so allows me to have a nice small plate on the front
  21. Worth checking also on the exhaust dude, out of all the suggestions on here, its definitely one of the better ones, enjoy
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