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Everything posted by Jetpilot

  1. Predictions: 1st Pedrosa 2nd Marquez 3rd Lorenzo Summary of the above, Pedrosa is the in form rider, take a look at the stats since midway through last year, better than Lorenzos and ahead in the championship. Jumping to Lorenzo, Catalunya is a Yamaha circuit, he won by the briefest of margins and if he hadnt got in front at the start i am not so sure the result would have been the same. There are a whole bunch of Honda favoured circuits coming up soon, so on that basis, i think the points gap will get bigger, which leads me onto Marquez. His dnf last time round has cost him dear, 20 points last time out for a 2nd and a subsequent 3rd for Lorenzo would have put them on near enough the same total, but think he will bridge the gap with the Honda favoured circuits coming up. Also listening to commentary and Neil Spalding, if Jorge has to push that Yamaha it wont like it, so perhaps a dnf for him whilst pushing will leave the door open for Marquez. You also have to remember Lorenzo is on his 4th engine, so he only has two to last him the rest of the season, Honda is only on its 2nd, if Lorenzo has to use another engine, its a points deduction. I hope the title goes that way to be honest, much as i would like to see Marquez win, after all the bad luck little Danni has had in previous years had i think it would be a deserved title. Rossi is past it i am afraid, perhaps he has a win or two left in him if Danni, Jorge, Marc all fall on the same race, lol, but not a championship, not even close. Unfortunately he has a two year deal at Yamaha so you wont see Cal on a works Yamaha next year unless Rossi throws the towel in, quite possible if he gets beaten by Cal's satellite Yamaha (which is all i think he should focus on doing). So where does Cal go next year, take a punt and wait on the 2015 Suzuki (unknown quantity), switch to Ducati, i would be surprised by both to be honest as i dont think either will be as good as the Tech3, depends if he remains outspoken about Tech3 and is forced to leave.
  2. I will take this buddy, pm with inc a postage price and payment details please.
  3. I have replaced the speed converter and still getting a fluctuation, although it does seem to read less than before. Any ideas? Where would i wonder if the actual speed sender/sensor is faulty, any ideas where i would find it?
  4. Not really a fan of personal plates but got to say, i dont think B4RMY isnt a bad reserve at £400
  5. I will also enter the are bbk worth it discussion but i will say if the op wants them, its his choice You will reach a point in any car where braking is simply down to how much adhesion you have, you could have the biggest brakes in the world and not stop any quicker than something a lot smaller. Perfect example, F1, best brakes known to man, yet they still lock up! You will increase cooling therefore less fade with bigger disks over prolonged used but that is about it. You can only stop as quick as your tyres will let you
  6. There is a set of AP 6 pots available on the other forum for £1500
  7. No worries buddy, just stunned that there isnt a spacer available off the shelf for such a popular car, you can seem to get one for just about every other car out there! Never had such a task to swap fronts over before.
  8. No, just standard stuff so upgraded the head unit too Exactly like that sir
  9. Powered from the head unit at present but may upgrade to a small amp at some point, wont use rears, just a sub and amp, think thats more than adequate.
  10. Yes buddy, used the original wiring, i have spend days on previous cars doing installs replacing every bit of cabling and just dont think its worth it in the end, unless you have a highly trained ear
  11. What a nasty job, lol I set of this morning to get some 6.5" speakers. I took the original hoping to find a simple spacer to use, no such luck, i perhaps should have searched on here first. So after an hour driving to 3 different shops i followed one of the usa forums and decided to butcher the original speaker with the dremel by cutting the actual magnet and plastic mounts out and use the frame as a spacer. Must have taken 45 mins a side to trim. Then the speaker mounting screw holes were too far out past the spacer so had to redrill the speaker surround with holes closer in, grrrrrrrr! They are in now though and sounding good, a painful job done for what should be a simple task but worth the effort. Amp and sub next
  12. An engine is an engine, there is nothing notably special or different about the GTR engine and tuning principals are the same regardless, get as much fuel and air in as you can and get it out as quickly as possible. As a package though your probably right, the Nissan engineers created something very very good but pending on your requirements, the GTR along with any car, Ferrari, Aston, Porsche etc can be improved upon, whether that is performance, braking, suspension and even down to interior or just simply looks in some peoples opinion.
  13. Your right, the main reason is budget and emissions and mpg targets, nothing to do with the performance they can or cant extract from any given engine.
  14. Dont forget that are also a lot of professional modifying companies. Brabus, Ruf, Cosworth, Aplina (if they are still going) to name but a few of the better known ones.
  15. I did a 70 mile journey in the Zed the other day to catch up with a mate, weekday daytime, all nice A roads, average speed 38 mph. Its all relative, i probably didnt come within 10% of the cars abilities, but i enjoyed it all the same however frustrating it was at times (tractors, horse boxes, caravans, lorries etc) and if i had a Gallardo i would have enjoyed that too. Driving cannot be measured in whether you are able to use what you have under the bonnet, it is these days literally about getting from A to B and at that point you might as well have the slowest most fruggel vehicle about. I think i was very lucky when i was into motorbikes (about 10 + years ago) i reckon i just about enjoyed the last few years of when the roads could be enjoyed and driving/riding was enjoyable. The only way to enjoy a drive these days is either head to the highlands/mid wales or get up at 5 in the morning when there is no one about, hence why track days are so popular as the roads are just not worth the time, effort or risk.
  16. I agree with a familiar trend in the answers, my mods individualize my car and i enjoy not driving a standard car. I would also agree with the definition of what is "good", could i make my 350z quicker than a lot of hyper cars, yes, would it be "overall" as good, no. But if i had GTR money, would i want one, no, i think they are ugly and massive and do nothing for me, would i prefer to put a GTR engine and box in my 350 with that money, without doubt. There are not many cars i lust after beyond complete exotica, Zondas for example, the only semi affordable car that floats my boat is the Gallardo.
  17. Bungs will always affect flow, but unlikely not noticeable. You can buy tailpipe bungs from ebay or db inserts from demon thieves
  18. I have no idea why people do this, its so so obvious, surely they cant actually believe potential buyers dont suspect the bids are from mates. I was looking at a jet ski the other day, it had 1 bid at £800 and only a day or two left to go, i sent a message requesting to take a look and what was he looking to achieve, within two hours 2 people had bid it up to £1400 and i then got a message saying, sure you can come take a look, wanting about £1400 - £1500. I couldnt resist sending him a message saying i hope your mate enjoys the ski. It received no more bids and was relisted within 6 hours after ending due to "time waster", lol, ironically it was him wasting his own time!
  19. Maybe i should swing by Keyser, get a professional opinion on what you think after hearing mine?
  20. Finally got this on and really happy, great noise, so so much nicer than oem, still a shade on the quiet side though. I know its impossible to give a uniform answer but does fitting hfc's make a huge difference to noise levels or just for example a notable difference and does anyone think silenced decats would push it over the edge? Needs to be track friendly, 100db @ 1m away is the worst i will have to contend with, any ideas.
  21. Thanks guys, some drilling in order then
  22. Thanks Vlad. So is there an alternate mounting kit available so i can sit the unit further back does anyone know?
  23. My double din chinese unit has just turned up so started fitting. I am sure this has been covered before but cant make sense of the threads and possible solutions. The problem is the unit sticks way out the dash (not flush) using the original mounting bracket, if i buy a new fascia such as http://incartec.co.uk/Pages/Product.aspx?P=2793 does this also allow me to sit the unit further back or is it literally just a fascia? If just a fascia what options do i have of altering the mounting positions, is it a redrill job or are there specific kits?
  24. Yes which is provided by from the insurance companies by charging us through the nose! Mandatory third party insurance should be provided by the gov through fuel duty. What a story though, pleased to hear the police were sympathetic, i guess they know its probably the only form of punishment they might receive.
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