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Everything posted by Jetpilot

  1. I noticed, youve done it a fair bit yourself to reply on some of my posts pal
  2. No one is arguing, is called a discussion and answering your question and i quote: Anyones thought? I really want it but panicking about going back into “debt” as such but it does look like a great deal. So we are just giving our thoughts on what you asked, sorry you dont like the thoughts presented, good luck with the new purchase and just to add, no you are not getting a large contribution to finance, you are getting a large contribution as the dealer doesnt want to be lumbered with an ageing model that they will end up "buying" from Nissan, see Marsmans thread re how that works!
  3. So your financed car will depreciate differently to a cash purchased car?
  4. There are two people on this thread who wont reject a car because of higher road tax. Period. If you want to show me some statistics to back up your claims, feel free, but otherwise its just opinion based and neither of us are right or wrong!
  5. If your budget is that stretched that £7.69 a week makes a difference, you will end up in serious serious financial trouble, whether you have to find it in a lump sum or not for the first year! 350z HR's dont seem to suffer with extra road tax costs and resale (you have one yourself). I am looking at spending a similar amount to Marsman on a car in next few months, if i end up with a GTR (most likely) the running costs associated for a year are vast, i havent even looked at tax as i know i can afford it otherwise i wouldnt be looking to do £40-£50k on ANY car and £7.69 probably equates to 20 miles a week of fuel, its neither here nor there!
  6. What figure is reasonable in your opinion? Absolutely, i dont think the 86 sold in the numbers expected (too much money imho) and i think Ford were very clever with "supply and demand" on the Mustang.
  7. That doesnt surprise me £7.69 a week when you have just done £40k, well strictly speaking, £1500 plus some payments
  8. It probably wont be, but should be pretty obvious by how much meat is on the hub mating point, i presume you are asking with regards to clearing the Brembos?
  9. If anyone doing £23k let alone £30k on a car has any issue with tax costs, quite simply, they cant afford it! It will make zero difference when it comes to resale.
  10. The problem is everyone else will know Nissan are knocking them out at £23k or so, you will soon find the older cars probably take a massive hit this year because as you say, who is going to buy a 2-3 year old car when you get a new one for £3k more or thereabouts, the older cars will also take a knock because of this and you may find values evening out over the model years. The next bit of food for thought is, when is production likely to end, if not already planned, Nissan will then have a further surplus they might knock out even cheaper, knocking the value down the line some more. On paper it may look like your saving £6k, but just ignore that figure, your loosing £11k plus. All the said and done though, if you are happy to loose £11k its not a problem,but i do think you need to ask, what are you happy to loose, if values drop further and your in the hole at £15k perhaps more (nearly a years worth of your disposable income) are you still happy?
  11. I wouldnt disagree with anything you have said, well apart from the m240i being comparable. I like a car to appeal visually too, when i bought my 350z i could have easily bought a M3, just the looks swayed it and to be fair, the 350 isnt a million miles behind the e46 in performance just not as refined, However, you can buy a 370z for £15k ish, the op is about to loose 66% of that in just three years, apart from the letters on the number plate, there really isnt any difference, sorry i just cant get my head around that unless you earn considerable money. Anyway, each to their own, enjoy
  12. I dont really think you can argue the m240i isnt a better car, its faster, handles better, better built with better interior, but it may not however be the better car for you which i totally get, but its definitely a better car in every department (ignoring looks which are subjective)
  13. Jetpilot

    Single or dual

    Silenced/resonated decats make little to no difference on actual noise, they just take away some of the rasp and drone. All depends what track days you are doing but if you aim for circa 98-100db static that will get you on most days, but a single or dual with decats and you will be pushing it.
  14. Jetpilot

    Single or dual

    No, your choice is purely down to budget and sound, but if you plan to do trackdays, make sure you dont go down the noisey route, which a single exit will definitely be. which also rules out decats. Personally i like the sound of a true dual.
  15. Not sure i would pay to much focus to an article that says the outgoing 370z has a "turbocharged 3.7ltr V6"
  16. Not at all, as marzman says, if i was spending £300 a month on a new car, i wouldnt want a 10 year design car near the end of its production run. as i said, its your money, your choice, but personally would be looking at something far more current and impressive than a 370z
  17. Yes i know, what i mean is its a car thats been around for nearly 10 years, its old hat sorry to say!
  18. I think you are just using "man maths" to justify the purchase (6k dealer discount etc), bottom line is you are planning to loose 11K plus on a near 10 year old model car, sorry, i think thats just insane. For £300 a month or thereabouts you can get into a very very nice car, not an old model Nissan and thats coming from someone who likes them
  19. I keep me thinking about the option of the e92, but sadly, they just dont do it for me in the looks department. The e46 M3 looks so so much better than the std e46, but the e92 is just to subtle with its differences, probably perfect for some, but not for me Have fun, can only see them going up in value slowly.
  20. Funny how sometimes a car pops up that was never on radar, exactly the same happened when i bought the VX220, never ever thoughts about wanting one, then after spending a moment looking over one in a car park, i thought yeah why not!!!
  21. Could be the motor wasnt on line but maybe they had clip in's, ive seen loads of guys with clip ins crash because they have lost there balance and cant get their foot free from the clip and it automatically swerves to that side where they are trying to free their foot. I love my ebike, but there is a time and a place and for me its not on the road, its out on the trails, i have zero idea why people want to cycle in the vicinity of cars, let alone trucks, buses and lorries etc
  22. Absolutely nothing wrong with RX7's if you buy the right car, but buy the wrong one and it will be problematic, but thats the same with anything, try repairing a GTR (and they do go wrong its just not as well documented) and then tell me the RX7 costs loads. I have had 5 RX7's, only one suffered with serious failure and at 2k for a full build i was left with a stunning reliable car. Its only the 99+ 7's that are commanding strong money, i am afraid the older 7's fell in into the scoob camp (chav) and wont be rocketing up anytime soon. The problem is with an 90's car you will be looking at problems, just what degree mostly, wiring is getting tired and brittle and a pain to sort, bushes/components wearing out, rattles, clunks and thats before you get into any dreaded tin worm and i know it makes zero sense but just cannot get my head around paying more money than a decent 350z for something that isnt actually as good over all. I guess i am lucky, had varying 90's jap cars but that was earlymids 2000's, rx7, supra, evo, scoobs and after moving to a 350z, there wouldnt be a chance in hell i would want to take one on now, thats not because the 350z is a better car in a certain area, but it seemed luxurious in comparison and very solid and a pleasure on any drive. However, i get its maybe an itch you have to scratch, just be aware of the pitfalls and buy with your head not heart. I have never owned either but will chuck MR2 or S2000 in the mix.
  23. True, another misconception banded around on here when it comes to energy supply. A project i am on at the moment was looking at a 4kw pv panels, £2000 return over 25 years (not factoring in maintenance) when you dig down into it and by then he has probably moved or they have failed, needless to say he hasnt gone for for pv
  24. Its irrelevant which is faster, youve missed the point, the 720s is fractionally slower 2 years on and 25% of the cost, so whats the point in hybrid?
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