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Everything posted by Jetpilot

  1. Silenced decats and stainless exhaust.
  2. I guess it depends a lot on what you are used to or come from, Civic is lighter. My post was more out of surprise as i thought they are listed as a fair bit over 1500kg. If anyone else has weighed their zed please share and list brief spec
  3. Would be great if we could make this a sticky if its a popular thread I keep hearing a fair bit about 350z's being heavy, so being curious i popped to my local scrap metal dealer and asked a favour if they would put it on the weighbridge. I was impressed, 1460kgs, its a JDM with brembos, heavy old 19's and tyres and loads of audio (amps and subs), spare tyre out though. So i reckon with some nice light track 18's and tyres, sub box out i could get 1400kgs, maybe a shade under with some lightweight buckets. To put that into prospective, a Rx7 weighs 1280kgs and thats regarded as lightweight, road car wise, so 120 kgs more imho is not monumental at all Half of that could be the difference between me and a fatster Be curious if anyone else has done or would do the same
  4. I am guessing it would not pass if it had decats as its a mot fail and the fact he needs a spacer suggests its some form of aftermarket cats. I would try a tin of Cataclean before you do anything drastic and perhaps identify what you have for the masses to offer more help/
  5. A Mot is pretty much invalid as soon as you leave the test station. I would pull up to the test station in my Rx7 (500+ hp), adjust the fuelling on the Apexi so it would pass basic emissions, drive it in, pass, then before i went anywhere adjust it back to its normal map. I have just decatted my car, i put it in for a mot, mot passed, deacts fitted A years worth of motoring before i have to swap them back.
  6. Poor thing If anyone knows where this is would love to try and save the wheels from the crusher
  7. Advertised on driftworks from 20th September
  8. I dont think thats a bad price inc the shipping if you didnt have to lump on vat etc
  9. I agree with you on the most part, however, holding out for top money and asking 2 x + what the car is worth are very very different things I have just come from Rx7's and had the misfortune of the above happening, in the end, most people realised their cars were worth more in bits than as a whole, importers are even bringing high spec cars from Japan into this country just to break for parts. There is a certain demographic of people that aids the de valuation of a car, so i have my peepers out, soon as i see them moving to 350's, i will be out of here
  10. Plenty of wheels around in that style buddy that if patient you should be able to pick up 2nd hand. Work Rezax 11 Work VS XX Volks SF Winnings BBS LM's Stich Mesh Rays VRX 10 Weds Kranze ERM Hope that helps
  11. I would check out loads of forums/google buddy. I know someone down south who used to work for Dawsons they used to spray loads of magazine featured cars but not a lot of good to you, sorry.
  12. No idea, obviously it will depend how many 1000's of children they have from different fathers or vice versa Dont get me wrong, there are some very deserving people out there who need help and want to work and there are others where there are now apparently 3 generations of some families that have never worked. There are glaring errors with social security though and they need addressing, however, they all have a right to vote, so any prospective government needs their vote so are not going to alienate them with radical reform. Which also leads to another point, if you havent worked for "x" amount of years you also loose your right to vote, why should the non contributors have any say in who and how are taxes are spent.
  13. Sounds to me like there are still get out clauses as ever. To me its very simple, i have no idea why people are handed cash every week not to work. Cash to buy fags, booze etc etc Imho they should be given the very basics to survive, that being food and a roof over their heads. So payment should be given by means of a pre loaded debit style card that is redeemable for food in supermarkets and FOOD only, no cigarettes or alcohol.
  14. Ignore previous, i read they were Berks hfc's not decats.
  15. Always interests me with adverts like this were the owner is lets say, asking strong money, the adverts are just so rubbish, 5 poor quality phone photos and a lack lustre description. Lessons in marketing me thinks
  16. By recorded post so they can't wriggle out of saying they didnt recieve it.
  17. Any chance of a photo with something like a 20p on top of the wear bar please.
  18. Mmmm, if it was owned by one of the owners, they are on dodgy ground mate imho. This is exactly what happened with my mate recently, fortunately he had finance and they are responsible, they will then pursue the dealer. I would make a call to trading standards, get their advice, which i am sure will be in your favour and then if you are still not satisfied with what the garage says or does, let them know you have been in touch with trading standards, should do the trick
  19. By the sounds of it he hasnt done many miles and would say you would have to have long periods of detonation to get to this point (past history of the car perhaps). I have had a friend recently go through a very nasty experience with a recent car purchase, dealers are responsible for selling you a car fit for purpose, it doesnt sound like this is. Did you finance the car at all?
  20. Depends how far out the tail is
  21. Ain't this the truth. The S2000 is insanely stiff, couple that with 50/50 weight and it's like a spinning top. I had mine on coilovers and when it goes, it's gone, you need to be super sharp to catch it. I span one year coming out of Eau Rouge at Spa, at about 80 and I thought I was dead. It also spat me out on the Ring at Brunchenn but I managed to catch it well enough to just end up power sliding around the whole bend then pulling up on the grass. Needed new knickers and a glass of milk afterwards though. It really is a edgy son of a swine, but when you get it right it's so rewarding. If you've not guessed mine was a non ESP version. Compare this to my 370Z ( I know it's not 350Z) and the experience is a much more controlled affair. The body has more flex and is more forgiving. You get that extra second of lightness that tells you the back is alive and you can counter it and control it. The slides I was getting at an airfield day recently were a world apart from what control I had in the S2000. If the S2000 has a 1 second window the 370Z has a 3 second gap. I would expect the 350Z to be similar. If I was a better driver, I may have enjoyed the S2000 perhaps more. But I'm not and at times it was scary. SRSLY. Interesting reading I found my Rx7 that also has 50/50 weight bias would give you plenty of warning if it was about to let go and if it did go was very very controllable unless you had a lead right boot and were totally ham fisted. Found the Zed very similar to be fair, nice early warning and a progressive slide with time to get off the throttle a bit or correct the steering.
  22. He wouldn't have got passed Vettel as he is in a different league to webber As for the Rosberg Hamilton incident, Lewis said on the podium "I don't deserve to be here" also that is why Rosberg will never win a championship, not enough drive Totally agree and totally not the point
  23. And with recent discussions surrounding Porsches, Ekona might find this interesting, although probably not Same driver, Horst again Cayman s 8.16 Boxster s 8.17
  24. I will give you 3 times provided, all same driver, Horst von Suarma E46 M3 8.22 Exige S 8.25 350z 8.26
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