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Everything posted by Jetpilot

  1. GTO or 3000GT whichever you prefer.
  2. Take my turn dude, struggling to clip a photo
  3. Is there no half sensible garages that you know off who could fit some gaskets, they dont have to be specialised, shouldnt be a long job and would help no end Surely even a day on the bus to work has got to be worth it to sort that? So what boost you running at the moment? Are you suffering with high ait's to be thinking about a bigger fmic?
  4. The Ultima was on the short list for the next car and must admit, if i had time on my hands and cash to burn, i would buy/rent a nice industrial unit and do a build myself, with a lot of help of course I would imagine its very satisfying and rewarding.
  5. Evo is just the new name for the gtr, engine spec is anything from 350-1020. Some good choices above, keep em coming.
  6. Why would you want an evo & gtr, they are pretty much the same car?
  7. A mate has a GT3 coming in May
  8. So lets say you were on the up and up with earnings, starting from whatever you are in now, how would your purchases progress. GTR AMG GT AMG GTR 720S LFA HUAYRA Awaiting the Porsche catalogue from Ekona
  9. It should be pretty self evident if the wiring looks like its been spliced, you are looked for something like linked below if you click on the speedo converters: http://www.svaspeedos.co.uk/product_info.html It might also just have the dial replaced, but then the trip would still be reading in kmh for the distance? http://www.lockwoodinternational.co.uk/350z-part-no-c030.html Take photos if you are unsure.
  10. Ok, then if it shows miles per hour, it most likely its been chipped somewhere, usually behind the speedo, i would pull the cluster (easy job) and see whats behind first.
  11. Cant imagine the white box would cost much and would be the first port of call, unless its an import and has a speed chip somewhere. It is all linked through that box Longshot.
  12. You will certainly feel more reaction to bumps, potholes etc
  13. Possibly the box, do you know a local owner that would swap over to try? Its a 5 min job. is it an import?
  14. From recently had these fitted, to problems, to refusing to believe its anything to do with tyres..... Now i am not in the subscribing to the ditch finder camp for 453's, i used to run nankang ns2's for road use and had zero problems, however, had i been accelerating round a corner and lifted off you can be pretty dam sure i would have expected the car to react, i dare say you would have "some" negative reaction from even premium rubber although less extreme. So why are you lifting in the corner?
  15. Standard response from me on the subject of going from a 350 to something older, think carefully. Do you really want to get out of what is a comfortable, solid and well put together decent car into something that rattles and creaks, requires fettling to keep going, old wiring thats giving up the ghost, noisy etc etc Just be aware as Doc says, its an old car that may not seem so great once the novelty has worn off. Having said all that, its not like you cant change your mind if its an itch you have to scratch.
  16. Those rectangular side intakes lake serious imagination, much more blending and shaping required otherwise a good looking car imho. I didnt read the whole article but rhd? Would have thought it would have to be?
  17. All my fun cars have been manual and i love it, however, things have moved on and just dont subscribe to the romantic ideal of changing gear "manually", personally i think its just one of those things people love to regurgitate (on the most part, no offence Ekona i know you appreciate driving) because they have heard someone like Chris Harris or Clarkson say it and they think it makes them sound like some form of purist driving over lord, i would doubt half of them know which way to go round a track and their cars have never even see one.
  18. I will give you a whole car, just because i love it
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