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Everything posted by Jetpilot

  1. That makes perfect sense for us lot on a big front engine naturally aspirated etc etc forum, but the reality is we are few and far between, so in essence you and nj are right but the reverse, it is all about supply and demand, but the supply is bigger than the demand and in the majority of cases anyone wanting the above will be out buying M3's as an example which are a far superior car and a pretty safe bet that they will appreciate way sooner than any of jdm cars.
  2. As per the op's thread then, demand obviously isnt there now (same as new) as prices are dropping, so where is this new found demand going to come from?
  3. And that is where the lower number std 350's rise in value, when i was first into Rx7's they were modded to death and that was the bulk of the market, everyone wanted kitted, slammed and tuned and those were higher priced than stock, advance a few years and the value is in the cars that were left unmolested and near stock which were few and far between, during those years the modded and tatty got scraped or broken for spares or written off . I see way more 370's my way, i cant remember the last time i saw a 350 but thats neither here nor there. How often on here do you see an absolutely bone stock 350 (bar maybe an exhaust) and to be fair it doesnt really matter if they are in larger in numbers than 370's, that is no guide to whether it wont be the more popular and valuable car, its all about the car and i really cant see the 370 suddenly finding an audience that didnt want to purchase it in the first place.
  4. No offence taken and certainly dont consider it a personal attack and none meant to you, i dont even own a 350z anymore, however when changing cars a 370 is well within budget, but i have no desire to own one at all and maybe its relevant within the discussion of depreciation, for twice the price of a 350, its just not enough of a significant upgrade to justify that cost (to me anyway) and at that budget as mentioned before there are some proper tasty cars available which are reaching the bottom of their depreciation curve and only likely to go up if well maintained. You must have some reasons as to why your opinion believes it wont depreciate in the same way as a 350? I think the reasons about its latest knock in pricing is quite simple as mentioned elsewhere, nothing mysterious is happening, its getting old in every department, tech, performance etc etc and very much a car that will soon be obsolete, NIssan sold just over 850 of them last year in the whole of the Eu, i would hope that tells you something about the way its pricing will go and a big factor as mentioned elsewhere, the deals you can get on new high stuff is astonishing, probably doesnt help.
  5. So i detect a whiff of snobbery (see below) and rose tinted glasses towards your perception of the 370. I am not sure why you think the de is "low spec", there is very little actual difference between a de, rev up and hr in terms of performance and looks, slight styling revisions and interior layout, trim levels are all near identical and a few more revs, i am not saying the hr is not the more appealing car for those changes but certainly wouldnt describe the de as "low spec". the 350z across all levels is a great car and not a million ways away from the 370. The 370z is a mass produced Japanese car, just like the 350, there is absolutely zero reason why it price wont continue to come down and there could well be a crossover point where 350's will be worth more than 370s, there are plenty of examples out there, 240z to 280z, r32gtr to r33gtr if we with Nissan, older cars worth more than their newer brothers, history suggests totally the contrary to what you think. Prices are falling because thats what cars do (excluding a few exotica), the 370 is an old car with an old design platform, sorry my friend there is nothing special about it that will stave of depreciation, the only one that might fare better is the Nismo just because of low volume, if you dont think your 370 will go the way of the 350, you are in for a nasty shock.
  6. Im thinking another 8 yrs + for the 350z to go the way of the above mentioned, maybe sooner as since the early/mid 2000's there really hasnt been the choice like the 90's, i guess there is no guarantee though, but i would bet my left nut that in 8 yrs or less a 370z will be worth no more than 350z is now.
  7. I am curious as to why you dont think the 370 will drop down to 350z prices, they werent that much more expensive when new so only stands to reason they will get close and if you check sales figures, they werent that popular, you could see that two ways i guess, fewer on the market/rarer so less choice and values will steady or they arent going to suddenly gain in popularity so a smaller market place of buyers and prices will drop. I asked a similar question sometime back about depreciation, cars i have been watching have come down over the last 6 months and that was cars that have been firm on price for at least a year or more, i am thinking its just down to general age. If you do a search with a budget of 10-12k, there a lot of very desirable high end cars (Porsche, BMW, Merc etc) in there that have crept into 370z budget so thats going to have a knock on effect too. Perhaps also worth considering there are some stonking deals on new high end stuff thats also drawing people away and driving prices down. Looking at some of Japanese stuff, S2000, Skylines, S bodies, Supras (now worth more than 350's and some worth more than 370's) there will be a crossover point and a 350 will worth more than a 370 in a good few years.
  8. Just watched the vid as had a moment to kill, at 8.36 you can see the triangle wear indicator on the Toyo, just above the T of the Toyo, for optimum performance and air pressure, the top of the triangle indicator should just be being scrubbed, so imho he had the wrong air pressure in the Toyo and could also do with getting some heat cycles through it, but maybe thats the same for the others too.
  9. This forum is obsessed with tyres we even have a resident "guru" . Personally i find it a lot more educational to try a few out, i doubt there are many on here that could get in a car (myself included) and tell the difference between say federal rsr's or nankang ns2r, 888's or ar1's, goodyear f1's or mpss without seeing what was on there first. 888's are a fantastic track tyre, i have used them on the 350 and vx with 500kgs + difference and cant say they suffered at all on the 350 if they are suggesting the weight hinders them, is the extra cost over an Ar1 worth it which i went to next, not in my opinion. Ive not tried Torfeo's yet, but would like to.
  10. Seems to be quite a few angling programmes on tv these days, you could probably learn a lot of tips from them imho.
  11. ^^^ This. But you wouldnt be the first to have illegal tints, so if you like it, i wouldnt worry too much, depends on whether your concern is the police or the remote possibilities your insurance will be invalid should it impair your vision in an accident.
  12. If its something you really want to do, go for it, i love the enthusiasm If you just want to end up with a fi'd 350, i reckon it would still work out cheaper just buying one already done and running that you can enjoy from day 1, or, source a 2nd hand rear mount kit from the usa forums. You will be surprised how much things cost that you hadnt even considered, mapping for example at £500. I bought my supercharged 350 with less than 200 miles on it since built, for well lets it put it like this, i had an invoice for customs duties from the previous owner for the kit that was more than the extra over a std 350. Good luck though if you go for it
  13. Polished by hand and Meguiars NXT. Thanks for the advise, will try claying a panel and see what results that brings, if thats not go will get a tar remover.
  14. Ah just the man i hoped would reply. I have tried to photo it but it doesnt really highlight the issue. Imagine using a dirty chamois in the old days, best way i can explain it, or soapy water has dried on. I had some 3m finesse it lying around and did the whole bus sometime ago because of it and it looked great, soon as it got washed, it came back.
  15. Any advise on what is best to wash a car to strip back any waxes etc, its only on my daily but its a great colour but looks like there is a cloudy/milky film (possibly like someone has left soapy water to dry on it), a rub with some polish seems to give a shine, but as soon as its washed (meguirs shampoo), it comes back.
  16. Heavier than old 997.1 too, who would have thought it
  17. So a question, what have they done to the GT3RS to get well under 7 min?
  18. Current R35 is £82k list, there was no speculation toward R36 cost
  19. Not sure there is enough space on the servers
  20. And there in is the key, it never claimed to be a lightweight track orientated sports car and nor will it ever be, i agree it was a fat ugly Datsun that had supercar performance, if not more so in 07, not even the 400kg lighter 997.1 GTRS of that era was close, so no its 1750kg girth didnt inhibit its performance credentials comparably at the time. 10 years on its obviously a different story and i agree it is now overpriced not sure where Ekona got his 100k from thats the track nismo engineered version, list is £82k, but even the Nismo is basically using a 10 yr old platform and at 7.08 thats pretty impressive with only 25kg shed. Porsche and Lambo have moved the goalposts and it will be very interesting to see what Nissan bring to the party, but it wont be a lightweight sports car, it will most likely be a big, fat and ugly Datsun, probably one thats very very quick whether it challenges those two stunning times is speculation, but as 07, they have done it before, chances are they "might" do it again.
  21. And the Huracan also happens to be 50%, possible more than the Nismo, is there a point to that? Ive not once said anywhere it wouldnt be faster if it was lighter ffs, just its a very very fast car for 1725kg or 1750kg in std trim, so who cares its that weight and if the next one weighs 2 tonnes and matches the Huracan, again it makes no difference how heavy it is, that is my point nothing more.
  22. Seeing as the Nismo is only 7 secs off the Viper i dont think its doing to bad at 1725kg, not forgetting less hp and torque of course Granted to get close to the Lambo and Porsche they have their work cut out and theoretically if they did release a 2 ton car that equalled those times, would you still question the weight?
  23. Its plenty quick enough is what i am saying, not much would keep up with a gtr on track/road (particularly in 07 at launch) so who cares it weighed 1750kg.
  24. I didnt say it wouldnt be quicker being lighter, i just said its weight doesnt hinder its performance, corners included, so what difference does it make what it weighs on paper and to be fair 25kg is neither here nor there at that lard level
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