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About AG350z

  • Birthday 13/04/1987

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  1. AG350z

    My 350z

  2. Cheers. Good to know people have had good success with it !
  3. Hi, i was looking for the black and seemed to have it in stock on amazon...I did check plasti dip uk but it was 18 pounds think i saved about 40p.....It looks like in the states its about a third of the price.
  4. Good to know it lasts ....well until pressure washer sabotage haha.
  5. Ye really easy, i recently refurbed my wheels.. lots of bubbling etc and that took days! this was just clean down the area, make sure dry and be patient when dong it. Protect the radiator at front etc....hardest part was taking the blooming grill on and off ! But ye makes the front look more complete i think.
  6. Haha, ye its a bit like pringles i guess once you pop etc. Seen loads of guys in states doing complete cars etc...but then their weather isn't quite as testing as ours ...normally.
  7. Hi wizurd , just put some pics up...looks ok i think. Now to see the test of time!
  8. And the rear end...Found it really easy to use and apply as all the youtube videos say. The trouble is i found it a little addictive you want to keep doing different parts.
  9. Ok so this is the front lip and Badge , put down 4 coats....now to see how it stands up to the elements.
  10. Ok so this is the front lip and Badge , put down 4 coats....now to see how it stands up to the elements.
  11. Hi everyone, thought i would try out some this plasti dip as curious to see for myself the finish and wear etc. Just picked up a Zunsport grill and thought great excuse to get some and spray the lip black... make it look a little tidier. The coverage looks good so far and plenty left in the can so decided to do the badged also. Have pics will get them up soon!
  12. Plasti dipped the front lip today , looks good with the Zunsport grill ..

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