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Everything posted by mattfinch

  1. Hi all I am looking to buy the K&N Typhoon kit very soon, I have a gunmetel 350z 2005 and I was wondering what would look better in the engine bay the chrome typhoon kit or the blue one, Any ideas from everyone would be great. Thanks
  2. Ok mate thanks for that, I don't mind unplugging it once a year.
  3. Thanks mate, Looks like its a case off just disconnecting them so they don't work
  4. Hi all I was just wondering is there any way you can turn the headlight washers of when you wash the windscreen with the lights on. It is very annoying when you have washed the car and driving along the road and you need to clean the windscreen and then the headlight washers spray the whole car lol. Or would I need to just whip of the bumper and disconnect it from there, Many thanks
  5. Thanks for that mate, Your right it is when the brake bubls light up and not the pedal. I live with it for now and see how I get on i guess.
  6. Yes I have these sensors but don't know why it would make the speaker 'tick' is really annoying, Also 350AD you don't think it will be any use taking the head unit out and trying to put the earth somewhere else?
  7. With the two blocks of wires I had i joined the two earth together from each and then i run a wire from them two earths to a screw on the bulkhead, is really annoying when the music is low because everytime you brake you get the click sound
  8. Hi all, I fitted a new head unit a few weeks ago and every time I press the brake pedal I get a quick cut out noise on my left speakers, sounds like the wires have been unpluged and then plugged back in very quickly, Would this just be a case of fitting the head unit earth lead to a better place? Thanks all
  9. Sorry mate just found this in my glove box behind the passanger seat. Thanks any ways
  10. I need one for a 55plate pre face lift mate, and yes could you find the link for me please. Thanks
  11. Hello all I am after the cover that sits in the front grill of the bumper that covers the front tow eye hole as I don't have one. Many thanks
  12. Cheers for that, Makes thing easier
  13. Hi all I have a 55plate 350z GT with the bose system. Does any one know if I will need any extra wiring kits to fit this head unit or will this one just plug right in? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/330754873148? ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 Any help would be great. Thanks
  14. Good thing is if your willing to pay a bit you get everything all just plug and play and all ur millage is all set up the same. And you get $100 back if you send him yours after they have sent the bew ones. I have been e-mailing him so I will let you know the out come
  15. Yer does look very expensive and also Im guessing these are for usa 350z so would the gauges work on a uk one and also the three pods would be facing the wrong way or can they changed to face the other way some how
  16. Hi all Just been looking on the net about changing the colour of the dials and pod gagues and come across this 'Gauge Craf'. Has anyone ever heard off them before or used them because their work looks really good. They send you the gagues with what ever colour leds you want so its pretty much plug and play. The site is: http://www.gaugecraft.com/gaugecraft-products/services.html Any comments would be great because really thinking of doing this. Thanks
  17. Thanks, this has made my mind up, I will be ordering everything very soon
  18. Also with getting this full exhaust system does anyone know if its going to be really loud and annoying but on the other hand I dont want it quite
  19. Also with this uprev is it worth getting it done and anyone know how much I would be looking to pay for an uprev?
  20. Thanks I will have a look at them now
  21. Hi all I am getting a 05 gt pack 350z very soon, and I am looking at getting the cobra de-cats, cobra y-pipes and cobra exhaust system very soon after, I was just wondering if this is a good buy and also if it sounds good. I have quite a loud car at the moment and hoping this system is quite loud too. Anyone know much about this. Also I keep seeing stuff about getting a uprev after doing a few bits, is this the same as a remap or is it something else. Any help would be great. Many thanks
  22. Hi all I am getting a 05 gt pack 350z very soon, and I am looking at getting the cobra de-cats, cobra y-pipes and cobra exhaust system very soon after, I was just wondering if this is a good buy and also if it sounds good. I have quite a loud car at the moment and hoping this system is quite loud too. Anyone know much about this. Also I keep seeing stuff about getting a uprev after doing a few bits, is this the same as a remap or is it something else. Any help would be great. Many thanks *Sorry wrong section*
  23. To be honest after reading all this I think im going to get a uk gt pack one. There are some nice import ones out there but i feel it will make my life eaiser to start off with a uk one and build it up from there. Also was it an optional extra to have the sat nav or is it meant to come on all gt packs. ( Im talking about 02 to 06)
  24. All this information is really helping me out, really appreciate it all. I did look at this one the other day as it was only about 15 miles away from me. Did not think it was too bad. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201301094846461/sort/locasc/usedcars/model/350_z/make/nissan/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/postcode/me174qt/page/1/quicksearch/true/radius/1500?logcode=p
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