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Posts posted by A9H-RX

  1. Umm, I think Bennett / GT4Zed has it as well, not sure if anyone else has it here, sorry. As I said numerous times, to me it's just perfect! Read on the US Forums how many people use it and the positive reviews :)


    Feel exact, precise and very short, 75% improvement over stock IMHO.




    I shall research and investigate. Cheers :thumbs:

  2. Is it cost effective? And does it make much of a difference? I know on FI cars with a remap octane boosters have shown to make a marked improvement, but on an untuned unmapped car does it make a tangible difference?


    Using high octain improves MPG as well as small margins of performance unless FI in some cases.. Its a cleaner fuel as well so helps maintain the engine.. I use high octain as normal fuel for all my cars unless I'm driving diesel or not so sporty car..

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