Right guys and girls time for my 2 pennys worth on the day..
You absolutely have to go and do this day, you will 100% learn something new and come out of the day shocked at the simple changes that can be made to your driving, that not only get you going quicker but you will be doing more speed in a much safer manner.
I have been at a bit of a loss with driving quickly sinceI I had my accident last year and didn't realise just how much it had affected my confidence, behind the wheel which in turn, was actually making my driving even worse.
I explained this to colin and imediatly felt that he uderstood where my head was at and that he would help me get past it.
After the breifing and getting to know each other if we didnt already, it was out onto the mile straight for the breaking part of the course,they want to see you can stop before they trust you at 130mph on the high speed bowl,very wise
Of course thats not the only reason, you a taught to threshold brake, and use your a,b,s to brake and avoid etc
Then if i remember rightly it was out onto the high speed bowl
then the handling circuit, already some much info if flowing threw your head the little breaks give you chance to digest it all.
At lunchtime it absaloutly throws it down with rain,somthing i was both dreading but also hoping for because the 370 in the wet is where my deamons lie.
After lunch its out onto the wet alpine course, i explain to colin i feel like im either carying to much speed into corners or i am to high in the rev range and indanger of spining (heres the devil on my shoulder) colin tells me im not carying to much speed and he thinks i am within grip limits of the car,just as i take a left hander at 25mph and the back end overtakes the front lol
colin pulls me over straight away and praises my instinct and says that was 100% the car and not my driving,this is very reasuring as i just felt it was my incompatance beheind the wheel.
colin asks me what changes have i made to the cars set up as he says the window between grip and overstear is almost non exsistant, he explins that in his 350 he would of taken the same corner at another 10 mph and the car would not have oversteerd like mine did.
after having a litlle play in the car himself on the skid pan he explains that the car lets go in a way that the best of drivers couldnt handle so i had no chance what so ever
he feels its is the ebaich roll bars are way to stiff and advises me to get the rear onto full soft and have a play but thinks that may not be enough even at that.
Colin tells me he knows the guys at centre gravity who set the geo up lovley but says he will talk with them and tell them what he thinks to help me get the dampers and roll bars set up a bit more forgiving .
Anyway now we have established its not all my fault i get sideways easliy
Now comes the time to relish in geting totaly sidways on the skid pan, i have never got the drifting bug it just isnt me but wow what a laugh it is to just go for it and let the car slide with no fear of hitting anything
I have learnt so much about myself and the car on this one day i cant wait to got back for some more learnig i wouldnt hesitate to go back again i have almost no doubt if i had done this prior to my crash it posibly would never of happend! THANK YOU CAT D ive got my mojo back and i will see you soon
with out a doubt the best value mod ive done and i can take into
every car i drive