So late last Friday night ....very late like 2am late
If fitted my fuel serge tank from protec.
Ignore the rough install!
now I'm happy it cured the problem and I can run it down to fuel light without any fuel serge issues I have a nice alloy box being fabricated to house it all in.
And it will be powder coated black
So its all coming back out once the box is done as obviously being fuel I want it protected from anything flying around the boot but will also contain any leaks should the worst happen.
But for now I can take right handers as fast as I like down to fuel light instead of filling up every half tank and no more worries of running lean on full chat
Side note this protec stuff is realy Nice stuff should anyone want somthing similar and the pumps are whisper quiet
And if you are lucky Rob will let you have a sit in his gt2
Check them out here