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Everything posted by nissanman312

  1. Picked this up yesterday from the fabricator getting it all mounted and buttoned up tomorow hopfully finished pics to follow It has a lid that will clamp down and seal the top should and leaks occur on the pot and the hoses will exit at the top via rubber grommets
  2. gutted can't make this now My step mother has a cancer op on the 7th and I need to be around for her that weekend
  3. Litchfeild send me files often and at no charge for small tweeks and checks of the maps it's so simple to loads the new maps on even for me with no computer knowledge ..so if somone has tunned your car can't see it being an issue to send you a stock map
  4. Hi mate Yes sorry put me down I'll try and make it I won't get the oil up to temp on that one tho
  5. Really nice looking motor I like that a lot My pal runs one as a race car and loves it
  6. So late last Friday night ....very late like 2am late If fitted my fuel serge tank from protec. Ignore the rough install! now I'm happy it cured the problem and I can run it down to fuel light without any fuel serge issues I have a nice alloy box being fabricated to house it all in. And it will be powder coated black So its all coming back out once the box is done as obviously being fuel I want it protected from anything flying around the boot but will also contain any leaks should the worst happen. But for now I can take right handers as fast as I like down to fuel light instead of filling up every half tank and no more worries of running lean on full chat Side note this protec stuff is realy Nice stuff should anyone want somthing similar and the pumps are whisper quiet And if you are lucky Rob will let you have a sit in his gt2 Check them out here https://www.protecfuelpumps.com/
  7. In my experience with selling parts on here you just need to wait . it will go for that price when the right person comes along
  8. I had the same question when I did my day Honestly don't worry about it I don't think there could be a safer track based experience Go along don't worry and most of all have fun
  9. Just a 2 tonne trolley jack I have to park on wood to get it under tho
  10. Took the wheel off to check the pads and got carried away Winter made a right mess under there so had a bit of a clean up and greased up the bushes and coilover threds etc It needs another visit but will do for now
  11. Watched a few of your video's thanks for sharing
  12. Great work mate Enjoy your summer with it
  13. Did you ask this a few months back? I pmd somone a number of the guy that fitted mine Little independent guy in Dudley but did a great job had no issues
  14. I wouldn't go to cheep mate just hold out untill somone wants it that's a fair price
  15. I'm sure one in much much better condition just sold on here for 13ish I know your budgets tight but if you could just stretch a little there some much nicer cars about for a extra couple k Good luck tho let us know what it's like
  16. As long as it's not mapped within a inch of its life which i doubt it is it should be fine Just let it get a bit of air flow through it before you thrash it if you have been sat heatsoaking
  17. My temp sensor is after the charger now as I'm running the a2a set up and a massive treadstone intercooler has Seen the temps way down on the water system Like Marc said mine on the stillen kit would hit 70 degree
  18. My intake temp sits around 4/6 degrees above ambient mostly
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