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Everything posted by nissanman312

  1. It's a shame Simon has not been more active on the fourum because I can vouch for him being one of the most genuine and enthusiastic z owners i know and his car has to be one of the best forced induction 370zs on the scene. If I hadn't built mine I would be snapping both his hands off.
  2. An old member on here has this for sale https://z4-forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=109689 Very much the bottom end of your budget but you mentioned z4 Living out in South of France mist be driving bliss Enjoy what ever you get
  3. Looks top notch that ....i still can't afford anything tho so don't ask me to look
  4. Yeah whist rubber is on it I had Bridgstones runflats on mine once I binned them I went with Michelin . Cars rides a lot nicer
  5. I used to have that set up it was nasty in a bad way It's was much nicer once I went with the invidia but now that seems loud Maybe I'm just getting older
  6. In that situation If say that's a good hassle free sale
  7. Will help the tyres bite in the winter lol
  8. Same as that some lads were discussing it on Facebook if it's the one
  9. I tested my invidia with De cats next to my pals hr with invidia and art pipes with a decibel meter. There was 1/2deibles in it However the art pipes give a deaper tone and less drone on the road Just depends what you want to spend (Both cars supercharged as well so very close comparison)
  10. It's a massive issue on the 370z It happend to me on the stock car Since litchfeild mapped mine for forced induction the cut was violent as they mapped a fail safe in. it will just shut the ignition/throttle off should it see lean running it's horrible but saves it running lean on full chat Swirl pot sorted it tho As Alex says experiment with different fuel levels and see what gives Just play on light or almost no throttle tho so it's not on full chat if problem returns
  11. Could quite easily have been fuel starvation Mine used to do it round a good right hander with half a tank How much fuel did you have in I have a protec swirl pot now it plauged me in Europe
  12. Because he'd had 2 good years in it costing him nothing and just wanted it gone He just didn't want the hassle of private sale etc It was high millage tho
  13. My mate sold his 997.1 911 to wbac Quoted £19.500 Ended up at £17.600 I think
  14. +1 on that I also thought it had gone back As for the nismo seats that's not good at all Stick with it and give them plenty of greif . I'm sure a result will come
  15. I'll have a proper read tonight But that looks great
  16. Hi mate I'm near Warwick Welcome to the Midlands
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