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Everything posted by nissanman312

  1. Any idea why they stopped making one for the 370
  2. Nice black edition 370z with what looked like a cobra exhaust
  3. I saw this and thought some may enjoy a watch
  4. A nice little message on nissan uk facebook page got me where i needed to be when mine failed ...granted I had bought it from a Nissan garage but I ended up with a 12 month extended warranty as well as a replacement lock
  5. Drop a disc lock on and replace the fuse with a blown one if you are really worried about it
  6. Yeah I'm really interested in this shame my diffs already built up but it sounds like this could make the z a bit less frustrating in the tight stuff
  7. Interesting view on it Even with the supercharger the gears feel so long And when climbing mountains on European trips I find the z very frustrating in and out of the hairpins! You just get Into the power and you got another corner I've always been put off by the thought of high rpm cruising but seems ok from what you are saying
  8. Pretty sure that's flywheel on that dyno dude
  9. The box on my old car would lock me out of 6th all the time this new one is much better
  10. I'm only going on a couple experiences friends had one on a s2000 and one on a z! both broke up after not to long But yes shipping could of bounced them around also Hope you get it sorted
  11. I believe the berks have a history of breaking up inside sounds like this chap took advantage unfortunately
  12. Yeah I had a little run today just to turn the motor over for a bit and it was just traffic I didn't mind tho sometimes it's nice to appreciate the car at slower speeds when the roads are so greasy Think I'll knock the tax off now tho for a couple of months
  13. It's a deal Yeah we are lucky for good roads by us Keep the updates coming as well it's a great thred to read
  14. That would be good to take a look Oh blimey yeah you are just down the road I'm in meriden
  15. Ahhh ok cool I'd like to pop along to a track day one of the days and check the car out it looks great Am I right in thinking you are not that far from me Midlands or do I have that wrong?
  16. Congratulations on the new arrival Is that a 370 engine or a 350
  17. I'll phone Nissan today and get a set on order
  18. I really like these wouldn't mind doing mine like that
  19. I know they talk about this in the US but I've not herd to much of it here
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