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Everything posted by nissanman312

  1. Mines doing similar but I am way over due pads so plan to give the brakes a good service
  2. Nice What do you have now just stock discs and pads
  3. You should have enough of that left over to do mine as well
  4. Looking good mate Looking forward to meeting you at the Midlands meet
  5. Interested in your thoughts on those I need to do somthing with mine
  6. Very tidy mate I'd love to get out on a drive with this and see how she goes
  7. I've just fitted a second pump in the other side and have the second pump on a switch so it's not running all the time I can run down to empty now Protec are developing a more comprehensive in tank set up soon on my car but all in all this cost me about 100 quid and works a treat PM me if you want some more details or if you are near me I'm happy to show you my set up It will be your issue if its happening on right handers no doubt Your other option is to run an external swirl pot or a fst like this which I did for a bit but have removed now
  8. From Ebay And then fitted it into blank plate
  9. So after trying a few different things to cure the fuel starvation on hard cornering wanted to get all fuel back in the tank. so I've removed the external pot and dropped a pump in other side of the tank with it's own power supply to feed the stock bucket when fuel drops below half a tank. When crusing it's not an issue so fitted it's own switch it's when things get twisty it slops away into the other saddle so I've put a very low presure low flow pump in the other saddle and it works spot on. Protec are working on some in tank kits and there having mine in to develop the kit on so this is a temporary measure but works great so far. New pads and exhaust work next
  10. 255/35/19 285/35/19 is what I went with on mine grip is fantastic wet and dry but they are a much softer tyre than mpss I popped a post up the other day about my feelings on them called mps4s something to consider check that out for the bit about them I dont like
  11. That's the weird thing when leaning on them they are great and on most road surfaces wet or dry they are great but when new at least over certain surfaces they definitely feel a bit unsettled I'll report back if like Pete at cg thinks they will settle down once the tred depth is a bit less
  12. The mpss felt hard then got sticky with heat these just feel soft from the get go I wouldn't want anyone to be put off as such they are awesome when not wobbling about lol
  13. Interesting mate I have way way more confidence in them than the Bridgestone run flats that were on my car they would just let go and snap but they are definitely a soft tyre that have this strange characteristic to them it's quite unsettling at times like the wheels want to fall off lol
  14. Could the car be running a fair bit leaner maybe ?
  15. I just wanted to share something I have found running these as others may want to try before they buy if they can. So since I fitted these I have had a what can only be described as a funny left to right wriggle sensation. It is very strange it's not all the time and seems to be worse over undulating surfaces and changing lanes etc I have been all over the car spanner checked all of the suspension and was at a loss as what to look at next Anyway on Friday I bit the bullet and called centre gravity to see if they could look over the car for me as they set the car up a little over a year ago and it felt extremely planted and tracked down the road beautifully. I spoke to Pete who set the car up big shout out to them for giving me the time of day they are super busy and he took the time out of his lunch to call and talk through things He asked me what I had changed and i said the only change made was the mps4s and as soon as i said that he was pretty sure of the problem. He then proceeded to tell me that he had 3 cars in that week all complaining of identical symptoms one was a 997 c2 one was a 991 gt3 and I cant remember the other but he said all 3 had fitted 4s tyres. He said one felt so lose he came back after the test drive and double checked everything He said he changed the wheels on the 2s to a set with a different tyre and the sensation was gone He advised that in his opinion it was the multi compound tred blocks and the tred blocks being quite high and thought that it would settle down as the tyres wear he said ultimately they are awesome tyres I mentioned I was running the quaife diff and he thought that could be compounding the issue if the diff was trying to shuffle power around on the rear The tred blocks are very soft you can almost move them with your fingers. Dont get me wrong compared to the Bridgestone that were awfull and would just snap at grip limit the grip is epic but I just thought this was a characteristic people may want to know about if considering using these tyres.
  16. 1) davey_83 2) Andy_Muxlow 3) buster 4) SHEZZA 5) umster 6) AntelopeSam 7) Lewis Schwier 8) Killick.z 9) Silverthorn 10) MatthewThain 11) KG350z 12) Justthejedi 13) monkeybrain1234 14) Valy 15)Nissanman312 (maybe if I can escape kitchen refurbishment work)
  17. Very clean and well looked after wheels mate glwts
  18. That's looking a bit smart mate
  19. nice one mate they look cool
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