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Everything posted by nissanman312

  1. Thanks guys I'll be in Scotland on that day unfortunately I'll be at the next one without a doubt. 👠Is your cobra the new one that's come out or is that not out yet?
  2. Where did you get the carbon bit on the bumper looks great
  3. Hi guys im in the midlands and im looking to order an exaughst but would like to her my possible choices in person Is there anyone with an ark grip or inivdia Gemini that I could get a listen off in person thanks guys Ps im after nice sound looks but no drone in cab if any one has any other suggestions
  4. Bastards Hopfully you get a new one and have a fresh start
  5. Thanks guys apricate it I'm looking to keep the car looking as it does now and sound nicer The milteck is good for that but the price is a bit to harsh for me
  6. The price is attractive for sure Any drone atall?
  7. nissanman312


    Dose anybody know where we can get 370z wipers from other than main dealer
  8. Hi guys I would like your opinion on which one you choose add the ark is a good bit more but I do like the look and sound Also dose a pipe affect insurance cost much?
  9. right guy as we all know a few 370 owners are having isues with slave cylinders and stinking clutches mysellf being one of them. so im thinking if mine goes pop id realy like to try an aftermarket clutch but have no idea what to go for spend or where to get it done properly! can anybody help as i dont se the point puting the same bad part back in.
  10. hi guys got mine done under waranty now just have to deal with my clutch
  11. hi guys when reversing mine up a slope the other day the car filled with a burning stink defo clutch so what are we saying should i be getting this thing into the dealer???? im still under warenty
  12. good luck mate! can only feel there is some serious injustice going on with this subject did you start button just say lock on and red light on dash flash ie locked?
  13. i just hope we dont start seing the cluch isues they have been seing over the pond
  14. nissanman312 my (60 plate 7500 m) car was low laoderd into coliers nissan birmingham was told it would be done by the 18/1/13 and then was notified on this date that the part was on back order so part expected 23/2/13 courtesy car supplied not impresed with service atall
  15. yes the work is being done under waranty im going to get the complaint in tomorow and yeah excatly what i thought the gave me a qashki and made out like he was doing me a favour because of the bad weather lol
  16. i have been in there tonight and had words but tbh i dont think they care one bit. he told me they dont have to give me like for like by law do you think a direct complaint to nissan will help im feelieng verry let down with the service at the moment
  17. hey guys a little update on my lock it was due to be replaced today and ive recived a call from the dealer saying that they canot get the part untill 23/2/13 earlyest as it stands my car sits in nissan for a month earlyest im seriously pi**ed they have suplyed me with a curtsy car no z tho nissan need to get there @*!# together
  18. mine did excactly the same luckly still have waranty and its been replaced tomorow if you have any left get it in fast the part is a thousand pouns alone :s but it seems there is some quick fixes out there good luck
  19. yeah the american web sites are full these clutch isues makes you wonder if its somthing to do the driving style spoke to the dealer today and my baby is coming home tomorow new steering look fitted fingers crossed she stays that way!
  20. thanks guys and yeah ill get some pictures up as for the clutch isues they seem to be popular problem with the 370z gues ill have to do some more reserch into it.
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