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Everything posted by nissanman312

  1. had an ep3 type r Me and him had some very close races I love honda but wanted a little more room and refinement and bhp I hope I slip the bad gearbox net because you can't beat the look of the 370
  2. Who's had this fail I'm phoning in tomorrow for my second one
  3. I agree my pal drove it the other week and I aid just take your time it won't snap in like his s2k I really can't get 6th somtimes One guy sod he's on his 3rd gearbox clutch seems to be an issue Don't get me wrong I love my 370
  4. Cheers that's helpfull by drone I mean when your cruising and you feel like your head is buzzing lol Although I've just been reading a thread all about the cluch and gearbox fallers so wonder weather to keep the car lol
  5. Why are we not getting good parts in our cars 2 from the start
  6. I can't get 6th when I'm booting it really annoying
  7. I love seeing them reminds me how beefy mine looks
  8. Do you have any drone from it Dose it scrape it looks low Looks nice tho mate
  9. This sounds like a no brainer Dose mapping hurt the car in anyway ?
  10. I had a GT edition as a loan car while the had mine can say I noticed much difference paddle shift was nice for a bit tho as I have a manual
  11. Sorry guys I'm just buyby Birmingham airport Be great to get a listen z dedicated
  12. So no drone for the Invidia Better than cobra?
  13. Apologys for all the questions just don't want a droner
  14. Do you know if this system drones threw the cab
  15. Yeah that could be Are you guys in licester also
  16. Anyone got 1 of these in the Midlands I could get a listen of
  17. I want somthing that's not loud on cruise so I want it resonated right?
  18. There's gonna be a lot of cobras around lol
  19. Right I may be in on this to So what's the final price for cbe / half system Also is there any point in going cat back
  20. Cool what's GB? Pardon my ignorance Do they do a smaller tip or that it
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