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Everything posted by nissanman312

  1. None at the moment mate im getting an exaughst in the next week or two I just can't decide what I really love the ark grip the ivindia Gemini's and the cobra but I don't won't any drone I want to listen to them before I buy if I go cobra or invidia I think Probly cats to How about you
  2. That sounds awesome can't see it not droning tho if it's that loud id like to think it didn't I'm in your boat just can't decide
  3. Cheers dude where are you?
  4. Tasty nice look Is there anyone in the middlands area with one of these I could get a passenger ride to experience it Pleeeeese
  5. What size tips are they? Is there options?
  6. Yeah I've made that mistake gets expensive Cheers again
  7. Cheers apriciate your help want to get somthing on for a week in Scotland soon but lots of motorway drone would do my nut
  8. Yeah cool I've been Charing to those guys I just got to hear some in the flesh any ideas what the ark grip like for drone anyone got one on?
  9. @*!# auto I'm mean no non res or res it just is what it is
  10. Cool its OK I'm looking into the cobra cbe for a 370 and drone I don't want Aparantly there's no response or non resident it just is what it is on the 370
  11. Is this on a 370 got any sound clips
  12. What sort of money for a good sc kit fitted by a pro?
  13. There is a guy round by me who has always had 911 turbos and he now has added a GTR to his collection Guest what his job is Insurance beoker
  14. Age 31 Car 370 Fully comp 450 a year with ensure standard car
  15. Since the warranty is now out on Rosie I decided after all the glowing reports from ebized and Darren-b that it was time to reclaim the licence from my old 350 put the remap on the 370. A big thanks to Darren for letting me try out his car to see what the difference would be. You just cost me more money matey. Got there at the crack of dawn and as usual was a friendly welcome. Mark got straight onto the job, it's very strange watching someone take your car to the red line when normally I don't go anywhere near it. Results were very good, a nice boost on bhp, more so than I got with the 350 and 16lbft of torque more. The difference in the drive is definitely noticeable. You get 5 different maps, 1 is the standard map reflecting the existing setup. 2 is more responsive, 3 is well let's say it's significantly more responsive , 4 is valet mode where you can lock the max revs to 3k for when you drop it off anywhere and don't want people to drive it and 5 is for when you put have no choice but to put standard fuel in. I tried map 2 as this is what I would normally be using. The car is definitely different. It was quick before but now you get a continuous constant build up of power. It just goes and it is definitely superior to the standard map. The biggest difference is at higher revs however. Before I found above 5k revs I just got a lot of noise but not much else, it just hit a plateau. I'm therefore used to changing up at 5k, let's just say that is no longer the case. It just goes, and goes and keeps on pulling constantly to the limiter. Then I tried map 3, not one while stuck in traffic but with the roof down and a nice straight it just a huge smile on my face and a light on the traction control. Very happy with the result and I am now ready for wales. Have read this I'm wondering weather to go there?
  16. I only watch this once a week lol
  17. cheers guys was hoping to just cbe and remap do you think the intake will make much diffrence i heard the one we got is pretty good?
  18. sounds good thanks what have you done
  19. hi guys im thinking i would realy like to an exaughst and a remap with abby im wondering if i would be looking at big hike in insurance im after the welth of your knowlage thanks peeps
  20. . Will would you say there is anything you didn't like about this mapping and the way the car drives now
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