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Everything posted by nissanman312

  1. Yeah that's the one Mine started that way it then didn't do the the last 2 dots Not a big problem just annoying I have extended warranty so might may get it done as they only put the new one in 6 months ago put then the palava I had getting it sorted I may not bother
  2. Cheers mate looks like what I'm after Thanks for your help
  3. Well wouldn't want to turn up for the wrong thing dude sorry
  4. 29th lol Has this got to be done at Horsham Also I'm in a 370 is this the one that you have 5 maps on the cruise buttons?
  5. I'm up for a meet up dude Sure there's not wrong tho I was paranoid about mine when first got it Also check the Midlands thread first Sunday of the month meet and drive
  6. I'm defo up for it but I'm in Scotland on that date and waiting for some prices on pipes at the moment
  7. Storm white buddy Want you then mate this was silver
  8. Come on guys is all good fun on here I can't spell for toffee but we share an interest that's what we're her for
  9. I was a few cars back what colour is yours
  10. followed a lovley nismo in knowle solihull the other day i was in a black gt was it you
  11. great stuff are you running berks allso will?
  12. yeh i head to scottland that week to would be nice to have it sounding nice for that #wakeupthehighlands
  13. to be fair i only spun mine up reversing up a verry steep hill and the anti roll stuck on
  14. Clutch burns up easy you learn to be gentle with it I've smelt mine a few times
  15. Cool still a small gain tho can't expected much from air mods I guess
  16. What gains do recon with all that? How much without the cats
  17. What mods are minimal to benifit from the uprev
  18. Sometimes I think we would be better going to the likes of Abby or Horsham as Nissan garges just seem to be a pain in the arse
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