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Everything posted by nissanman312

  1. It could go on a 60 plate couldn't it
  2. Yes mate by all means tell me to take a long walk of a short Cliff lol just all I could put in that's all its an offer if not a very cheeky one I know sorry
  3. I just thought that and i started it massive fail
  4. Doh just seen the date silly me lol
  5. Cool I was going to say you could here The one on the 70 bit It certainly wasn't unbearable
  6. Yeah I'm only thinking of getting stuck in the depths of Scotland What spacer would you need on front
  7. Right is it true you can run the 350z spare on the 70 and do you need spacers?
  8. Sound is great can't wait for mine and I'm heading stright to Scotland for a weeks driving to I will drown or my pals s2k lol
  9. 1 ish I think he said he's working sat morn then off to London so going to catch up with him in between hopefully See you sat
  10. Im coming to you sat Can you get me one on in 2 weeks?
  11. Be good to get a listen of this where in the world are you
  12. Yeah ill come down for sure what is your postcode there?
  13. I'm in licester Saturday ive messaged him so hopefully get a look you say your fitting some satarday?
  14. How dose the new 370z pipe compare to the 350z resonated pipe on sound anybody know?
  15. I heard this very pipe today sounded perfect
  16. I need somthing like this for the 370 to house the jack Russell lol
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