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Everything posted by nissanman312

  1. Dose anybody have one the want to sell?
  2. Japs the only way for me always had Honda now nissan
  3. how much spike on the insurance will
  4. spotted today in coleshill coming out of co op car park sounded nice
  5. or even wether they would know it had been done
  6. any idea how much your insurance goes up
  7. How's the cobra get it next week also considering uprev In mids also check the Sunday drive thred
  8. You doing spacers all round?
  9. No mate nothing I think I may have to go spacers tho and that dam boot lid What you doing with the bulbs?
  10. This time next week it will be cobra eve
  11. Yeah it comes and goes then mainly goes lol
  12. Oh no lol I'm sure you'll cope lol I'm heading to Scotland with a pal and his s2k for one epic Road trip
  13. Sorry forgot to quote you
  14. Hi mate you went for it to then you liked the sound want to drony wad it just a nice rumble
  15. Thanks bud I head stright to Scotland for a week of thrashing can't wait
  16. Don't get those avons put them on my ep3 and it totally changed the handling and not for the better
  17. That was it no admin unless that was included I guess
  18. nissanman312


    25 pound to add my cobra full system I'll take that free would of been better bit Oh well
  19. Into nissan seats out to be told part on back order Mines gone for the second time now
  20. Let's hope there isn't a cheap cobra coming upí ½í¸‚í ½í¸‚í ½í¸‚
  21. Who's had one and how are you finding it I get mine next week☺
  22. Don't worry guys I'll put some good videos together
  23. I've gone for the new cobra over this hope I've made the right decision
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