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Everything posted by nissanman312

  1. Should your diff be whining to start with ..?
  2. The csf triple is also a good shout
  3. I spoke to rich hes moving units but once hes settled in he said he can do something
  4. @Sim found some that seem to last I'm sure hell share his thoughts
  5. I'm interested to what if any difference you notice keep us posted I have the white line Bush in diff Keen to see how subframe one's feel
  6. Hmm tempted for the 370 I already have the whitline Bush in the diff and cant say I noticed to much difference....would lukento hear peoples thoughts on the 370 once fitted Like with any of these things you stiffen one thing and it moves the energy further down the line in this case to the tyres Have you driven the car in the wet since fitting this @RobPhoboS one of the things I took from my day at milbrook was a stiffer chassis is definitely a more nervous one
  7. Why dont you just replace the silencers in your current exhaust
  8. Got the zed out for the first time in 3 weeks for a nice little run up to caffine machine and bumped in to mr jww the YouTube chap in the fezza he put that in a trailer then jumped in a 18 plate Bentley
  9. I dont need the exhaust But could you do me a favour and measure the size of those silencers the small ones..mine are shot and I need to replace them Thanks in advance glwts
  10. The invidia with art pipes HFCS or stock cats would be spot on I think it's just a touch harsh and drones under load around 2/3k mark with de cats
  11. I have invidia with de cats and currently looking for options to make it quieter its drones and is loud My pal runs the same set up with art pipes and drone is way less but volume is on par But he has extensive sound deadening in the cabin also I'm looking at getting a pair of vibrant ultra quiet resonators welded in
  12. Very keen to see how these perform I really want to knock the drone out of my system
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