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Everything posted by nissanman312

  1. ha ha cool mate any idea if you can undo it if me no like
  2. your on my line of thinking dont want it looking drug dealer or gangsta just stealthy
  3. I was thinking wheels, windows ,door handles keeping the tints legal of course Anyone know if window tints are removable?
  4. realy fancy doing my 370 like this but im undecided what do you guys think https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=370z+black+out&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=667&tbm=isch&imgil=k1m2yjSuzMvc9M%253A%253BGBy0Z0RfialgjM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.the370z.com%25252Fnissan-370z-general-discussions%25252F345-370z-photoshop-thread-96.html&source=iu&pf=m&fir=k1m2yjSuzMvc9M%253A%252CGBy0Z0RfialgjM%252C_&usg=__NIq7zJW9NvjL-6xWrnr2Tmy8eYU%3D&ved=0CDMQyjc&ei=b48-VP_JB82V7Abyn4GYDA#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=Qe0xyl5Z-J3X4M%253A%3BpUlwcvOY0V72_M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fi136.photobucket.com%252Falbums%252Fq169%252Femayfiel%252Fblackie.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.the370z.com%252Fexterior-interior%252F42950-satin-black-370-a.html%3B799%3B531
  5. Subaru WRX STI Isle of Man: Flat Out - The Full L…: Awesome I watched this today my arse was twitching on the sofa
  6. http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/Nicholas_Hollingsworth/library/
  7. Yeah sure dose check these out from last one maps on there somewhere too ill get a better shot of it later This is only half the cars that were there
  8. http://www.apmcustoms.co.uk/contact/ That's the meeting point mate I think it will be 8 ish start but I'll confirm I don't know those guys mate unfortunately I did the August Sunday drivers to meet the guys as I'm booked on the 2015 European trip. August was awesome I'll get some pictures up and also the map
  9. Ha ha The some sort of citreon is my mates it's a big wind up it will be more like an M5 or rs4 he's forced to drive a picaso at the moment As for the 26th there is a lot of the guys that couldn't make it last time are doing it on this date we will be using the same route maps as rico will be providing them for us. If you look on Facebook rico rally forum it's being arranged on there so far looking like a good turn out with people coming a long way to get invloved If people fancy it I will post details here if you don't use Facebook
  10. Where.. Wales when.. Sunday 26th October What's happening .. loads of awesome cars from hatches to lambos meat up and drive the best roads in Wales Get involved if your not busy
  11. You have by far the best roads in nz I had a month out there beautiful place
  12. No zed stays for now anyways Until the missus gets ideas about baby's then the zed won't be much good to me I guess lol
  13. Think the missus would curl up and die if I said she had to sit in a scooby lol The zed dose everything very well I'm looking forward to 2000 mile in Europe in it But fancy something that handles like a light rally car for those Sunday afternoon mad blasts Not necessarily a long distance car the zed ticks that box for me
  14. My friends 6 is a tommie why would you not have any of the later.? I love the zed just be great to have the 4wd on bad weather days
  15. I really fancy an evo I've a friend with a 6 and one with an 8 There quicker than the zed not by miles is just the delivery of the power awesome Anyone own one or both?
  16. If you got the money and it makes you happy it's no bad thing I'm itching for a turbo car
  17. All good points Apreciate it Other option is I start a demolition company rape loads of steel and buy my dream gtr lol I can dream
  18. http://aamcompetition.com/if-3476-aam-competition-borgwarner-twin-turbocharger-system-presale-application.html
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