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Everything posted by nissanman312

  1. No more P-clip action at the mo unfortunately. Currently waiting on a Nissan Primera 2.2 diesel engine cover to arrive that I took a risk on buying from eBay to see if the engine badge is the same size as the one on the Zeds engine cover, ...if not it's going straight in the bin. I've also got a fire extinguisher sitting in the garage that I'm planning on making a mount for to fit it in the Zed. Are you guys still running stock suspension set ups?
  2. no mate im just in the middlands lol
  3. ive just gone with the whiteline arbs loads better now fancy getting it cornering a bit flatter yet tho
  4. saw you tonight in fillongley and the other day by daw mill looked and sounded good
  5. Interesting im thinking of coilovers i was looking at kw v3 or ohlins but im wondering if it cant much better than something nissan spend thousands on researching ?
  6. Terrible lost both my mother and father to different forms of cancer ! i didnt know him but my heart goes out to his family
  7. Doesn't hurt to put it on the list although getting the GoPro is probably a more likely gift to receive than the supercharger sorry. ha ha your not wrong there
  8. My mate in work has a daughter around 7 years old, ...apparently "Disney Frozen" is a really big hit with kids of that age at the moment. Link: http://www.ebay.co.u...=item1c481b7488 I'm hoping for a GoPro camera for Christmas from my Mrs so fingers crossed she thinks I've been a good boy. i might be getting a go pro(i hope) id put the supercharger on the list but ive just had my first quote today and i dont think she we stretch to that
  9. I barley use mine usually blue tooth my music as it's on my phone but I'll try all functions now
  10. Also I was once told spend any less than a grand on coilovers and your going backwards how true that is Im not sure but I can sre the logic behind it
  11. I have whitline on my 370z loads better not dramatically just feels like the front turns in nice now instead of pushing out
  12. Looks like one of those solar garden things lol
  13. Looks great there some big stopers on there aren't they ?
  14. How much louder can you expect your exhaust to get when going down the supercharger route I love the sound of mine at the moment Not that it's going to stop me I just wondered
  15. my freind has these on his evo in bronze there lovley sorry that dosent help you with the fitment question
  16. Cool that will save me a few quid then lol
  17. I may have the cats of you if I go supercharged still exploring options
  18. Sorry guys that's the one I need flames in my life lol
  19. 370z Stillen Supercharger flames: I'll just leave this here
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