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Everything posted by nissanman312

  1. wish I had a garage! Out of site out if mind Did you have to do camber kit when you lowerd or do you still get it in
  2. Shame we work so hard for our cars for someone to do this Start taking fingers i say
  3. Losing parents man that @*!# sticks with you Oh and traping the old man in your zip always a painful one
  4. I'm not looking to buy one but I'll go for a spin lol I'm in Meriden Haha you more than welcome I'll take you up on that one day lol
  5. I'm not looking to buy one but I'll go for a spin lol I'm in Meriden
  6. Didn't have a problem today and I did some spirited driving, ...think it might be a little colder your way though at the mo. Either that or it's because I'm such an excellent driver. Ha ha is certainly greasy round here after a hard frost last night good fun tho at low speeds lol
  7. nissanman312

    370z DRL's

    Me too are they inside the light?
  8. Just been out in my 370z and it tried to kill me twice on winter Road can't imagine the supercharger lol
  9. What's in those things sounds like a bike?
  10. Totally agree. That's why I've kept clear of too many external mods as I'd rather concentrate on the performance side of things to make the car faster rather than making the car look faster. Don't think my car looks all that much different from a standard Zed (just got Rotas/Zunsport grille & Invidia exhaust) to most people apart from when I press the loud pedal & disappear into the horizon. so the best way
  11. im not going to bore you with the details but everything your saying here is what happend with me then they told me it would be a month without my car. so iwent on holiday they contacted me to say it was ready! wtf and the car would be left out on there forcourt until my return mate i was livid with them hence why i now use mitz and andy at the cougar store for servicing etc they do what they say there going to do i wrote on nissan uk facebook wall and they asked me for detailed email of everything and they took it from there! i have to give them there dues they got things moving and gave me good compo in the way of 12 month warranty when pushed
  12. welcome not far from you keep an eye on the sunday drivers thred in the summer
  13. What are the wheels on the silver one http://www.tarmacsportz.co.uk/GB/370z_19_Inch_Set_SSR_TYPE_F_Wheels/370z-19370ZSSRTYPEF.aspx What's the lip on that silver one?
  14. I was going to Scotland for the week driving didn't want a fail up there so pulled it
  15. Haven't heard of any issues from those who have had their lock replaced and personally I think the downside of not having the fuse in place and the lock working is not worth it. Has yours failed? Being stuck in middle of nowhere with the snow filling your interior because the windows drop every time the door is open and closed. then dealing with the inadequate service from nissan trying to fix the dam thing is not somthing I want to deal with again Each to they're own but not for me I just put my disclock on the car
  16. PM being strapped to pigeon as we speak
  17. I had it replaced by nissan then pulled the fuse anyway don't want that again
  18. I fancy putting these on mine Where's the best place to get them from
  19. I've been threw there these are not car enthusiasts meeting up and having a chat and a drive out Its full of head the balls driving like loons
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