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Everything posted by nissanman312

  1. Yup, back boxes tend to have a core, that stuff can get blown out. The Ark grip or similar design are more of a straight through set up so the air passes through easily without obstacles, the air is being forced through a lot more when you add a supercharger Bet it will sound awesome when it blows it's guts
  2. What else we got that sounds nice when charged I herd a Miltek didn't sound nice and deep like the cobra
  3. stunning my mate wants an m3 ive told he dosnt he wants this
  4. i thought so this missus was i told you to tidy up :rant:
  5. so last night the missus forcefully removed me from the forum and made me clear the spare room ready for crimbo and gues what turned up after 2 years ........ yes you got it only my disck lock key 100 notes saved
  6. ive got yellow stuff and super blue fluid or what ever it is stops nice now
  7. why every 2500 i would of thought more like every 4500
  8. what sort of temps do you see now kev my standard car gets hot when i grab hold of its neck do those mods keep it within safe limits
  9. Darn was hoping to get a look at regie and convince myself to place an order in the new year lol Congrats on the wedding
  10. thanks i wanted quartz but this one came up and my ep3 was black i thought next best thing that sounds awsome so what you think for a little meet up guys any dates?
  11. plus one top lads mitz and andy will sort you out and you will meet the new best guy to look after you z in your area
  12. how are you guys putting the photos on like that ive a couple of nice ones of mine after its bath yesterday
  13. awsome anyone got a date they want to throw out there i was hoping for somwhere between crimbo and new year just as its the only time ive got 5 minuets to live just now lol ill tempt my pal out with the tommie evo that things pretty special
  14. I've been in a 370z with gtm kit it had a Miltek on it which are usally Farley quiet it wasn't that bad bit fairly loud To be fair I don't mind if mine gets a bit louder just hope it keeps it's quality sound
  15. I belive they say the exaughSt volume goes up by around 30 percent I have the cobra on mine and didn't really want it much louder it sounds a treat now but I guess that's the ups and downs of messing with motors
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