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Everything posted by nissanman312

  1. were going to meet up with my pal somwhere down at the start of the black mountains route ( south of the brecons ) and do the 4096 then try and head up to the elan vally i think mate then work our way home so far we have all the cars listed above apart from the evo as he wont bring it out in the rain or cold because of the salt its been underseald with marine grade paint but there you go each to there own. kyle the lad you met in the summer with the r34 is comming tho i think
  2. Ok so the weather has taken a bit of a turn for the worse but we're still looking on Monday but it will be Sunday night decision I think hopefully things will thaw out a little Anyone still fancy joing in I'll pop a meet point up
  3. Thanks I Think being the person I am I'm best leaving mine be and putting my 10 grand towards a change of vehicle when the time comes that I'm bored
  4. In your opinion what will the 370z engine cope with And is it possible to keep oem reliability? Or is that out of the question
  5. I'm in a 370z and I don't think the stillen kit really gets you anywhere past 500 crank if your lucky?
  6. Do you mean buy threw a UK trader or buy UK built parts? And if you were to build our engine what sort of cost would be invloved double?
  7. Am I Right in saying that stillen offers a waranty on there kit in the us if installation was done at nissan? Not that this matters for us just a thought of how this reflects on there belief that if it's done right it not going to harm the engine
  8. Keep me posted mate bit of a treck for me but necessary research when spending that amount I'd say
  9. Think doms your man if you can tie him down I also really want to have a look
  10. I'm toying with changing to an auto lovely motor mate if I change and this is still going I'll be on it
  11. I concur with this. My V3 doesn't rattle at all, but my car idles around the 1000 mark. There is always belt/pully/gear whine however, as you'd expect. That's good to hear ..... I'm not going to go down this route if it sounds like a bag of spanners when I pull up !! Maybe they changed something on the v3 version then? I need to meet up with someone who's has one and have a listen I think........, I'm with you mate our engine sounds so sweet be a shame to spoil it
  12. What supercharger was the gtm kit on 370z I've herd one of those The v6 sounds so nice standard
  13. http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/Nicholas_Hollingsworth/library/winter%20clean
  14. 2010 Black serviced at nissan then mitz when I realised I get a better service and care for the car Black 24000 miles cobra cbe uprev done at Abbey gt bosse sat nav connect pack etc?
  15. All sounds like more hassle than its worth for me personally I'm not that mechanically minded So if the z is supercharged is a bit of a handfull then?
  16. all depends what bricks and blocks you want what are they for ? i think heavy concrete blocks were working out around £1 a block a little while ago but i wouldnt use those unless you realy need to there terrible things in every way
  17. my flat in a lovely little vilage 10 mins from birmingham airport and all major motorway networks has dropped 5 grand since i got it! i will be keeping this one untill i have to move then hopfully keep it on a buy to let its the only way ill get that money back
  18. Yeah no worries Like I say I'm going anyway to meet my freind from Devon but if anyone else wants to join in happy days
  19. ^ Thank you were looking on Monday the 29th for anyone who wants to join in so far attending 370z evo6 s2k m3
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